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10:18 p.m.

"Rebecca mother fucking Quin!" Charlotte hollered stopping the redhead in her tracks before Becky felt Ronda just about tackle her. "Why the hell didn't you tell us?" She instantly burst into laughter.

"Why the fuck would I?" She said before Seth quietly chuckled from behind her. "Seeing your reactions just made it even better.." Both blondes had their arms wrapped around her before Charlotte grabbed Seth and forced him into the hug.

"God it's good to have you back Bex." Ronda commented before Charlotte agreed. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Seth's eyes roll. "We missed you too idiot.." He chuckled.

"Sure you did..." He was shoved away by both blondes before he was lifted off his feet by Roman. As he was set down, Renee hit him multiple times.

"What the fuck is your problem..." She stated as she kept hitting him. "You told me you would tell me when you come back..."

"Sorry.." He said quietly before he pulled her into a hug. "It was kinda put together last minute and at that point it was better to just leave it a surprise." She nodded before he released her and he was pulled into a hug by the other man.

"Good to have you back bro." Seth nodded before they separated and his arm draped around the redheads shoulder. "You both are coming out tonight right?" They exchanged a glance before Becky almost immediately nodded. "Good we're getting you both wasted tonight."

"Sure you can do that Joe?" Becky challenged before he immediately started to laugh.

"Neither one of you have had a drink in over a year. We're going to get you both fucking shitfaced." Renee stated with a smirk before the two rolled their eyes.

"We'll see about that."

11:29 p.m.

"You sure you're good?" Seth asked as he saw Becky yawn for the fourth time in less than two minutes. She nodded as she moved closer to him. As his arms wrapped gently around her her face buried into his chest. "We don't have to go." He said quietly.

"I want to Colby." She replied as she leaned into him. His lips met the top of her head. "It'll be fun." She said more for herself than him.

"You let me know if you wanna leave Love." She nodded. "You don't have to drink that much either Bex."

"I'm not going to Colby. I really don't want to have to deal with pumping for days to get the alcohol out of my system." He chuckled softly. "I'm not joking. There are horror stories on the internet about people getting their babies drunk because they drank and breastfed. I'm not fucking around with that." He nodded before his lips met her temple.

"I think I read somewhere that there are strips that test that shit." Her head popped up before her wide eyes met his. "I'll figure it out and order them so they're at the house before we get home." She leaned up, her lips capturing his.

"See this is what makes you perfect." He chuckled quietly before his lips met her forehead. "Love you Colby."

"Love you more Bex." She shook her head before they were separated by banging on the door.

"Let's go. You two aren't backing out of this." Ronda hollered before Becky groaned and moved to open the door.

"We weren't backing out you asshole." She stated as Seth moved towards her. The blonde rolled her eyes before the pair moved from their room and closed the door behind them. As his fingers laced with hers the three made their way towards the elevator. Becky and Seth were eyed as they entered the elevator full of other superstars.

"We're gonna get you fucked up." Liv singsonged.

1:02 a.m.

"Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!" The crowd of superstars we're trying to pressure Seth into doing a keg stand. His eyes met Becky's before he saw her chanting along with everyone.

"Oh fuck me." He said as he placed his hands on the cold metal. His legs were held by Roman as Finn began to pour alcohol down Seth's throat. Less than a minute later he stumbled towards Becky as another victim took his place. His arm moved around her shoulders as hers steadied him along his back. "Why the fuck did I do that?" He groaned as he flopped onto a barstool. She started to laugh as she moved between him an the bar.

Slowly his arms wound around her waist as her back leaned into him. Her lips met his temple as her arm draped loosely around his shoulders. When she felt his face bury into her shoulder he heard her laugh in his ear.

"You're fine Bubs. Just drink some water." He simply sighed as his chin moved to rest along her shoulder. Her lips quickly met his cheek. "Love you." She said quietly.

"Love you more Bex." He said into her ear before a bartender moved towards the two. Charlotte came over and instantly ordered for all of them.

"Three shots of whiskey please." The redhead could hear Seth groan in her ear causing her to lightly laugh. "Oh shut it you. You'll be fine." He rolled his eyes at Charlotte before Becky gently pat his arm. As the bartender sat the shots down in front of them the two woman immediately took them before he was nudged towards the glass by the blonde. He grabbed it before she stated. "To letting loose tonight." The three glasses were touched together before the alcohol burned down their throats.

3:57 a.m.

Becky and Seth were just about dragged into their hotel room by Ronda and Travis. Though the pair had tried to cut themselves off nobody would let them. Both had basically been drunk into oblivion.

"You sure you're both good?" Travis asked as they were set on their bed. The two nodded before the other pair hesitantly left the room. The second the door closed Seth was up and emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet. The second he was done he fell face first onto the bed. He stayed there until he felt and heard her bolt to the bathroom.

He shakily stood before he moved to carefully hold Becky's hair back. As he knelt down he felt her lean back into him as his hand slowly moved to run along her spine. Once the toilet was flushed he moved to sit with his back against the tub before he gently moved her into his lap. Her head rest along his chest as his arms wound around her.

"You alright Love?" He asked quietly before she shook her head. His lips met the top of her head before his chin gently moved to rest atop it. Her ear pressed to his chest as he softly began to hum.

The action slowly put the both of them to sleep.

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