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7:45 p.m.

"Hey Bex!" Ronda said as she walked through the door. Becky's eyes lit up before she just about burst into tears. It had been months since the two good friends had seen each other.

"Thanks Ronnie. She was just calm.." Seth joked before the blondes arms wrapped around the redhead.

"Shut up Colby." Becky said before he got a smirk from the other woman. "Why are you here?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I came the second Charlie called me. I wasn't going to miss this Bex." Ronda said as she wiped the tears from the soon to be mothers face. "How've you both been?"

"Good. Good. Just waiting for them to get here." The blonde immediately stopped at Seth's words. Nobody had told her Becky was having more than one baby.

"Them?" She questioned before they both nodded.

"Boy and a girl Ronnie." The redhead said with a smile. Ronda smashed the two in a hug.

"I'm so happy for you both!" She said with a smile before she released the pair and moved to sit next to Seth when they heard multiple footsteps moving towards them.

Within minutes the room was filled with countless wrestlers that had come to support the two.

12:00 a.m.

"Happy Birthday Bex." Becky's head slowly turned towards Seth as a small smile grew on her face.

"Thank you Love." She said quietly before her hand grasped tightly at his. His lips gently met her knuckles. She had been having light contractions for the past two hours. Thankfully they had started once everyone had left.

"You sure you don't want me to call anyone?" He asked quietly as her pain subsided. The redhead shook her head.

"I just want you here. If they're not here by morning and people start coming then so be it. But right now if they come I just want you to be here with me and nobody else." He nodded before his lips pressed against her knuckles again.

"You know I'm not going anywhere Bex." He said quietly before a team of nurses and the doctor came in.

"Alright I think it's about time we talk about an epidural." Becky eyed the doctor.

"Really don't need to talk. I want one." The other woman laughed before a cart was wheeled in.

"Well then it's about time we get it in place. But you may want to step out Mr. Lopez." Both women laughed as he politely shook his head before his hands enclosed around Becky's his eyes closing tightly.

"I'll be good. Just let me know when it's done." Seth stated trying to sound confident.

"Alright then. Ms. Quin what would be more comfortable for you laying on your left side or sitting up while arching your back?" Becky's eyes trailed to him before she made her decision.

"Laying on my left side." The redhead was carefully positioned on her side before the doctor explains the procedure.

"Okay. We are going to numb the area around the injection before we get started with everything. You're just going to feel a small pinch." As if on cue she felt the needle pierce her skin. Seth's thumbs were gently running along the redheads knuckles distracting her slightly. "Well just give that a few seconds to kick in as I explain the rest. In a few seconds I'll ask you to arch your back. As you do that I'll insert the needle and then thread the catheter over it. Once the catheter is in place we will hook you up to a morphine pump to ensure the medicine is administered correctly. Once we get you settled into place we're going to give you some pitocin to speed along your labor."

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