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The Royal Rumble

It had been nearly a month since the two had seen each other. Quickly before her match with Asuka started Seth slipped into Becky's locker room.

"Good luck tonight." Her head flicked towards him before a smile covered her face. She hadn't told him what was about to happen with her tonight even though he had told her he was going to win.

"Thought you didn't have time to see me.." He rolled his eyes at her words as he laughed.

"I will always have time to see you Bex." Her arms found their way around him before he connected their lips. "You going to tell me what they have planned for you yet?" She shook her head before burying it into his chest.

"Nope. You'll have to find out just like everyone else.." He groaned jokingly before there was a knock at the door. He was immediately pushed behind a curtain. Becky simply cracked the door open before seeing Charlotte. "What's up Charlie?"

"Was just wondering if you've seen Seth today? He seemed off when I talked to him earlier said something about being injured..." The redhead shook her head.

"I haven't talked to him since we were both in LA last. If I see him though I'll let you know." The blonde nodded before leaving. As Seth moved from behind the curtain he saw Becky staring at him with her arms crossed. "Care to explain?"

"One. She caught me while I was trying to come here so that's why I was off." She raised an eyebrow when he stopped. "My backs just been a little sore recently. I'm fine Bex." Her arms didn't move from their position. "I took an awkward fall on Raw and dislocated my shoulder and it still fucking hurts." He admitted to her.

"Did you get it set back into place?" He nodded. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked quietly as she moved towards him.

"I didn't want to worry you Bex." She shook her head.

"It's my job to worry about you Colby, I'm your..." She paused not knowing what to say.

"Girlfriend?" Her eyes met his as a smile grew along his face. "I mean as long as you're alright with that." She put her finger on her chin to contemplate it.

"I don't know. I mean I am a catch.." Her hand moved to thread in his hair.

"But doesn't The Man want The Man?" She started to laugh.

"Bringing up old nicknames aren't we?" Seth shrugged.

"As long as it makes you laugh Bex." Her lips connected with his.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Colby." She said against his lips. His hands moved to the middle of her back before pulling her into him. Their lips danced until a member of production came through the door.

"You're on in five Ms. Lynch." The door was closed before the crew member even realized there was another person in the room.

"Go kick some ass Bex. I'll be here." She eyed him. "Who the fucks going to know I'm here?"

"What if they come..." His lips met hers.

"I really don't care I'll figure something out Love. Just go. I'll be waiting here until you get back." She nodded before her lips connected with his. When they separated she moved towards the door. "You look fucking hot by the way Bex." A sly smile was flashed towards him before she made her way to gorilla.

Seth's eyes were trained to the screen as Becky's entrance music was played. His eyes never left the screen through the entire match. When it ended he sat in her locker room waiting. By the time the Women's Royal Rumble match began he gave up on waiting instead opting to head back to his dressing room.

As he walked past gorilla his eyes met the redheads before she flashed him a sympathetic smile. He instantly knew what was planned for her. She could see the smile grow on his face before he nodded at her. It was at that moment that she knew he understood why she never came back to him.

Without a word Seth slipped into his locker room as Becky watched him knowing immediately where she was going after the conclusion of the match.

By the time she won she was exhausted. He could hear shaky fingers try to open his locker room door. He caught the exhausted woman the second he opened the door. Nobody noticed him practically carry the redhead into his private room. He sat her down on the couch before eying her over cautiously.

"I'm fine Colby I'm just fucking dead." He chuckled lightly as he nodded.

"You want a change of clothes Bex?" Her eyes met his before she nodded. He handed her one of the larger sweatshirts she had given him and a pair of his sweatpants. She quickly slipped into the bathroom to change. When she got back her sore body instantly curled into his.

"How long until you have to leave?" He sighed as his arms wound around her shoulders.

"Not long Love but I'll be back." She nodded as he felt her head move to rest on his shoulder.

"If I fall asleep wake me up when you're ready to leave." He nodded as his lips met the top of her head.

"Are you going to be on Raw tomorrow Bex?" She nodded. "Thank god.." He said quietly before he was called. "I'll be back." She nodded before she pulled the hood over her head. Gently he handed her the pillow he had brought before she collapsed into it and the couch. With the smell of him around her she was out before he even left the room.

The match ended just as he had told her. He eliminated Braun Strowman to win the Mens Rumble. When he got back to his locker room he found the redhead still asleep. Gently his fingertips moved the hair from her face. As her eyes opened he spoke quietly.

"Come on Bex. Let's go home."

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