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10:15 a.m.

"BecKY!" Seth's voice raised slightly before she heard him begin to gag. "Take-.." He gagged loudly as he held Ashley out to her. "Her!" She couldn't hold back her laughter as he handed her the baby.

"I told you not to move her too fast after eating." His middle finger was raised towards as he quickly ran out of the room stripping his vomit covered shirt off of his body. Her laughter was quiet as she continued to hear him gag as he moved into their bathroom. "Baby girl you know daddy has a weak stomach. Why do you do that to him?"

Ashley's innocent chocolate eyes met her mothers before the redhead lightly began to laugh. Becky carefully rocked the infant as she walked towards the bathroom and heard the shower running.

"You alright Colby?" She asked as she opened the door.

"I'm good that was just fucking grotesque." He heard her light chuckle before he rolled his eyes. "It got in my fucking mouth Bex." Her laughter got louder before she heard him grumble to himself.

"What was that?" She asked still slightly laughing.

"Fuck you." He muttered before she moved the shower curtain to the side.

"You would any day." She challenged as her eyes trailed his body.

"Yes. Yes I would." She groaned before closing the curtain. "How long still?"

"Four weeks maybe more." She heard his groan before she looked down as she felt Ashley completely relax in her arms. "You think maybe she's sick Colby?" His head popped out from behind the curtain before he raised an eyebrow at her. "She's thrown up like three times today, hasn't slept and has been an absolute terror until I brought her in here with the steam. I think she's sick Love."

"We need to call the doctor." The redhead chuckled softly.

"She's not running a fever Colby. Maybe we should just wait it out." His eyes met hers before she saw the fear hidden behind his irises. "I'll call the doc." She got a small smile from him before he disappeared behind the shower curtain.

By the time Becky was finished making the call Seth had come to the kitchen with Austin in his arms.

"They want us to bring both babies in." He nodded.

"When?" He asked before she looked at the clock on her phone.

"In a half an hour." He raised an eyebrow at her. "Somebody cancelled right before I called so they had an opening. I jumped at it." His lips met hers for a moment. "We need to leave Colby." He chuckled as he nodded.

"I know. Just wanted a kiss.." It was almost instantly that her lips were on his. "Love you Bex." He said quietly before Austin sneezed. The redheads eyes instantly flicked to her son. Tears were welling in his eyes before she swiped the infant from Seth. "He'll be fine Bex."

"Shut the fuck up. I'm the one that allowed to worry here.." His lips met the top of her head gently.

"We both are allowed to Love. But we're going to the doctor and they'll figure it all out."

12:52 p.m.

"Told you we shouldn't have worried so much." Becky said matter of factly as they walked through the doors of their house.

"Don't even start Bex.." She rolled her eyes at Seth before he chuckled. "Love you." He said softly as he grabbed Ashely from the carrier. She did the same with the other infant before the two sunk down into their large soft couch. As her eyes met his she saw a small pout form on his lips.

"Whaddya want?" She said as a small smile formed on her lips.

"I wanna cuddle with ya." It didn't even take a second for her smaller form to curl into his warm one. His arm wrapped around her waist as the two babies were carefully nestled on his chest. She draped a blanket over the four of them before her head moved to rest along his chest. Her arm carefully held the two newborns in place as he reached for the remote.

"Find a movie that'll put us both to sleep while keeping them asleep." She said quietly as she saw both of the infants eyes drift shut. His lips met her forehead before he started to flip through the movie stations. "They'll be fine right?" A soft chuckled slipped from his lips as he nodded.

"Of course Bex. Nothing will happen to them. We're right here." She nodded before her eyes closed as her head gently nuzzled into his neck. "Get some rest Love." Her lips met his chest before a sigh slipped from her lips as his arm wound around her shoulder holding her close. By the time he found a movie the three were fast asleep on his chest.

The movie was forgotten as he simply watched his family. The two week olds were breathing in unison as Becky's chest was rising and falling much slower. His fingertips gently moved to trail along the redheads spine as his other arm draped around the infants carefully.

"God I love you all." He said quietly before he saw Austin's eyes meet his. The two males stared at each other for the longest time neither breaking eye contact. "I love you buddy." Seth whispered softly before his arm wrapped around Becky and his thumb moved to run along his sons back. The infants eyes slowly closed before his nose buried into his fathers chest.

Seth was in awe at his sons actions as Austin rarely cuddled into him as he was truly a mamas boy at heart. Ashely however would curl into either one of her parents though truly preferred to be in her fathers arms. He however knew that in the infants eyes he came second no matter what and he would never fight that. He would never fight her on that fact because he knew that she had given up everything to make sure their babies would be healthy.

But the thing Seth knew the most is that he would fight for his family till the day he died.

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