Sure, I'll miss the green eyes identical to mine, and his kind voice, and his kind, fatherly smile...

But right now, he's smiling up at God, and I know he's happy.

And really, isn't that all that matters?



"So, Ella, how do know Niall?" the oh-so-famous Candy asked me as we sat in the makeup room.

The boys were doing an interview, and since Candy does hair and makeup, we hung out with her after she was done with the boys.

I was about to take my time answering as Candy started doing my hair, taking out a hair curler, which I didn't understand since my hair was already curly and wavy, but she was the stylist.

Then, Coleen decided to chirp in, "Oh! That's easy! Her and Niall were best buddies and then they dated for 3 years." She said cheerily.

Candy froze, and narrowed her blue eyes. "Dated, huh?"

She suddenly didn't seem to perky and yanked the curling iron through my hair. In the reflection of the mirror, I could see Colly smirk.

I drew a line across my neck at her, but she just grinned.

What was all this about?


She really needs to explain this to me...

"Erm... Yeah." I said awkwardly, fidgeting slightly.

"For three years?" She asked, her mouth drawn into a tight line.


"And, uhm, how long exactly has it been over between you?" She asked sharply.

"Two years...." I replied, signaling a 'help me' look to Coleen once Candy turned around to grab a hair brush.

Coleen, thankfully, intervened, "Sorry, Candy, but Ells and I have to go... shower our... laptops?" She said unsurely.

I sprang up from the chair instantly.

"That girl was practically ripping the hair out of my head." I hissed as we darted out, leaving a furious Candy behind.

"It's because she's got a huge crush on Niall."

I tried to ignore this feeling of jealousy burning in my stomach, but I couldn't ignore it. "Ah." I said simply.

"Listen, I'm sorry. We shouldn't have gone." Coleen told me, dark blue eyes wide.

"It's fine, Colly." I dismissed. "As long as she doesn't come near my head with anything sharp, hot, or blunt, I'll live... Hopefully." I said jokingly, but I couldn't help but dislike the hair stylist for more than 1 reason.

"Alright, you ready to go shower our laptops?" She asked seriously.

I grinned briefly, "'Course!"

We drove back to Niall's flat, and as I passed through a hallway with Coleen, I froze when my eyes met a pair of green ones on the wall.

There I was. With Niall. At the last dance we'd been to together. I stood there, in my pale blue dress, and Niall smiled, dashing as ever in his button-up white shirt and tie.

"Wow... I never realized it was you. Guess I'm just so used to seeing it that I never really made the connection. Just so you know... He's got one on his dresser to." Coleen said softly, placing her hand on my shoulder.

I turned away sharply, and took quick, jerky steps back to our room, pulling out my laptop.

And no, I wasn't going to give it a shower.

I signed on to my IM account, and grinned when I saw that Jenna was online.



CinderElla: I miss youuuu

JenJen: Miss you too :(

CinderElla: Watcha doin?

JenJen: Nothing....

CinderElla: I know better, Jen. What are you REALLY doing?

JenJen: Staring at Zayn's face...

CinderElla: I swear you're obsessed with the boy.


CinderElla: What's the difference?


CinderElla: Cool it, bro. Don't kill me, I'm too young to die.

JenJen: I'm friggin dedicated. Not obsessed.

CinderElla: Whatever you say...

JenJen: Exactly.

CinderElla: I was being sarcastic, Jen

JenJen: No shit, Sherlock!

CinderElla: SCHMEH.


CinderElla: I'm going to tell Zayn about all of this, just so you know


CinderElla: Oh, I dare.


CinderElla: Now, now, Jen. That's not very nice. Apologize.

JenJen: I'm sorry.

CinderElla: Good girl.

JenJen: Not.


JenJen has signed off.

I shook my head at the screen, but grinned anyways.

Oh, Jen, what am I going to do with you?

Remembering His Love // nh // completeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ