Chapter 7 - Guilt & Desire

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Chapter 7

Ezekiel bashed his knuckles into his brother's jaw and as Lander was thrown back into the floor, as Ezekiel wrapped his right hand around his throat and twisted his arm. With a furious hiss Ezekiels hand clamped down at the junction at the top of Landers wrist and put painful pressure on the joint untill Ezekiel had bent it inward towards the pulse.

Ezekiel could have snapped his wrists or broken his neck in his fury, but beyond the anger was the slow realization of just who this person was to him. Just exactly who he was about to harm....and somehow Ezekiel....stayed his hand.

He curbed it just enough that with a harsh shove he slammed his brother back into the unforgiving Earth and rolled off of him before he could do any further harm. Lander was up in seconds, crouched on his hunches he released a blood curdling snarl, claws slowly growing out of his fingertips.

Ezekiel let the beast inside bleed out over his flesh, he felt his jaw shift, his skin flash into that of another creatures. A blood thirsty menacing hiss curled up out of his throat part man, part beast. Then Ezekiel pulled the Leopard back. He looked at his brother, green glowing eyes connecting with his own, refusing to back done.

But Lander would have known what this action symbolized. It was a threat of serious harm. A warning to back off before things went past the point of no return. A full Shift was the final stage and there would be blood if things went that far between two mature male Leopards.

Somehow no other words were needed as both of the brothers remained rooted to their spots. Neither of them willing to carry the confrontation any further. Neither of them willing to spill the others blood.

Only a few seconds after this tense standoff Ezekiel took a step towards Lander, who was still crouched on his hunches and yelled at him. "Are you insane!?" He shouted at Lander.

Ezekiel panted, he still felt his body shaking, his entire body brimming with blood lust. With death. "Why did you wake me up like that know the anger inside of me is lethal!" he demanded, appalled at himself. At what he had almost done to his own brother.

With a nonchalance that only re-boiled Ezekiels blood and made his teeth clench, he watched his Lander sit up and slowly wipe a hand across his mouth to remove the forest dirt from his chin. Casting Ezekiel a murderous glare he simply hissed at him in expiration. "I had to wake you up, you fucking animal! You were dreaming!"

Instantly knowing nothing that his brother said would be enough to stop him from trying to attack him again Ezekiel took another step back and snarled at him, he felt the sharp pints of his canines as he bared his fangs at his brother in anger.

"So what!? Ezekiel rebuffed him, still too angry to think strait. He backed away from his brother and walked a straight line back and forth trying to work off some of the boundless fury. "I can sleep if I fucking want to!! Especially since IM not the one on watch tonight and YOU are!!" he pointed out as his panting slowed slightly.

Lander slammed his fist down into the mulch and nearly shouted over Ezekiel. A pained expression over coming him that made Ezekiel confused...until Landers words hit him. "YOU WERE DREAMING...and...and I COULD SEE IT!" Lander closed his eyes and shuttered slightly before he opened them back up. "I COULD FEEL IT....All of it!! You hunger your lust!" Lander growled at him, his face screwing into a sneer of disgust and misery, his fangs flashing in the moonlight.

As Landers words registered and Ezekiel realized just exactly what his brother was saying a two pronged punch of guilt and embarrassment hit Ezekiel in the chest. Guilt because he knew that Lander had seen exactly who he was dreaming of...and Embarrassment....because he had been dreaming things he definitely didn't want his brother to know anything about.

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