Chapter 29 - Forming Connections

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Chapter 29

The next three nights of the Celebration went smoothly enough, aside from one small fire breaking out.

Brandon spent that time gathering his strength and his will for the travels ahead of him.

All of the family members invited him to dance on various nights of the Celebration and even a few of the other Shifters sought him out and passed along a few pleasantries. But most of the nights he spent rehashing the steps of the dances that he had been taught and mingling on the dance floor with Ezekiel's family.

From Glen, to Nate, to Erin and eventually even Mantilo took a place opposite him on the dance floor, which was a shocking experience considering the fact that he couldn't have imagined such a large and strict Shifter like Mantilo doing something as informal as dancing.

But to Brandon's surprise Mantilo easily out matched him step for step. The Clan head was graceful in all his strength, and surprisingly smooth even taking the time to tease Brandon for his faulty rhythm and then taking a few minutes to guide him through a couple of the dance steps, before ultimately being pulled away to be with his beloved Glen.

And then there was Walter.

The detached eldest brother, spent most of the nights of the Celebration amid a small flock of beautiful Leopardess women.

Walter seemed utterly uninterested in the four to five females that attempted to capture his attention as each night of the Celebration dragged on, but Brandon also saw that Walter personally took the time to acknowledge them when the females spoke to him and he even danced with a few of them....but in the end Brandon just felt bad for the women because they never got much else out of the statuesque brother then a kind gesture and a swift compliment. And it was clear that the women wanted so much more form the cold, but handsome Walter.

Brandon eventually even found himself in a three way dance with Erin and her hen like mate Drin, who spent more time hovering about Erin then really speaking or dancing. Finally Erin was pulled away by Drin, but not before she pulled Brandon into a swift hug and whispered into his ear.

"I hope you come back one day Brandon. I would like that...." She whispered to him, then she pulled back, smiling at him softly. "And so would my Cousin. I think you'll be missed all around."

Brandon wanted to tell her that he would come back.....but instantly realizing that it would be a lie to tell her that, he simply squeezed her hands before Drin, dark hair and dark blue eyes glittering in demand, finally managed to pull her away.

But the rest of each night felt conspicuously empty despite the things that happened. Because where the rest of Ezekiel's family gravitated to Brandon and often engaged him into the Clans activities (Even when he didn't want them too) Ezekiel was mostly reserved and separated from his side.

Brandon figured that this was partially because he was trying to figure out where to go from where things between them had fallen only a few days ago and because he didn't exactly know what to do about the distance between them he left it alone.

A small voice arose unbidden

I thought you were going to show me a good time Blue boy....and make me regret leaving...

But it was a silly sad thought that Brandon shook form his mind before it had really even crossed it.

Besides even without Ezekiel's company there was plenty of other things going on all around Brandon to distract him; as the various nights of the Celebration seemed to get bigger and grander as the moonlight burned and the bonfires sparked.

(MxM)Tales Of A Shifter (P2) - The Clan CelebrationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora