Chapter 23 - Sweet

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Chapter 23

Brandon closed his eyes and then opened them back up as a familiar chorus of snarls and growls ripped the night apart.

The Guardians fell on the Ghouls like an avalanche of claws and fangs and testosterone.....but no body hit them as hard as Ezekiel. He was an unstoppable squall that blew in and slammed like a metal boulder into the Ghoul that was closest to Brandon. Bones cracked. Ghouls howled. Mantilo rushed in next, tackling one of the eight foot beasts into the forest floor like he was simply swatting down a fly. Claws rent flesh, talons swiped back and forth.

Brandon stood back worried at what the outcome would be and was shocked a moment later to witness the unconditional surrender of the Ghouls. He was also surprised to see the black skinned Ghoul climb back to its feet. Having have a few minutes to recovers it strength, the Ghoul howled to the heavens,, hacked blood, turned and took off into the night. Under the fierce onslaught of the brothers and Mantilo the Ghouls fled out in three different directions carrying heavy bloody cuts and gashes and cracked bones.

"Yeah you better run you fucking monsters!" Lander roared and would have probably give chase....if Mantilo hadn't grabbed him by the arm and hauled him up short with a harsh growl.

"Calm yourself Boy! We dare not rush off into a trap" Mantilo hissed. "We don't know how many more are out there or may have gotten into the perimeter!"

"So what do we do!?" Lander growled as he slightly jerked away from his father strong hold. "We cant just let them escape!"

"No, those things need to be killed before they hurt someone else...This is the second time they've attacked Brandon! They are a serious problem!" Ezekiel growled, there was a calmness to his tone and an emptiness to his blue eyes as he looked after the fleeing Ghouls, that made Brandon want to reach out and touch him.

"I know!" Mantilo hissed at them all, apparently not sensing the deadly stillness that had settled over Ezekiel the way that Brandon had. Mantilo growled next. "Stay close to the house all of you."

"What! You must be kidding me!!" Nate whined, but Mantilo was not in the mood for complains and roared him off. The Wolf easily glanced aside offering silent submission.

"For the last time you all will remain here! Protect the boy....and you're mother from more harm! These things will circle back on us and try to get into our home if you don't stay vigilant! Protect your mother and the mortal! That's an order!!"

Brandon was beyond shocked when Mantilo stopped on a hiss and cast Brandon his steely yellow eyed glare. Brandon thought he saw a softening occur in his gaze as he took Brandon in and Mantilo seemed to realize that Brandon hadn't sustained any serious injuries. Then a dark light blead over into his gaze turning his yellow eyes, even more golden beneath the dark pine forest canopy.

His long black rain laid draped over his shoulder and his large body thrummed with enough dominance to make the trees around him take a knee. Mantilo growled. Something heavy and blood thirsty as he raised a hand tipped with viscous claw. "I will see what I can do to thin the heard before the go back into hiding." He smiled like granite. Then Mantilo turned and raced off after the fleeing Ghouls.

The whimper of a pup tugged Brandon's gaze up from his personal introspection.

"Why does he ALWAYS get to have all the fun?" Nate whined to non-one.

The moment Mantilo was gone the other bothers got in a huddle and started to lick their wounds and converse. Immediately it didn't escape Brandon that they brothers had come to his rescue. That their intervention had possible saved him from going back to hell. And a part of Brandon wanted to thank them profusely, but another part, the part concerned with Ezekiel's welfare proved to be bigger and more important.

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