Chapter 41 - Lonely Hearts

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Chapter 41

Brandon felt a momentary hesitation of guilt settling over him as he found himself standing outside of Ezekiels bedroom door. It had been five hours since the attack on the village.

Brandon had no idea what was going on outside, or what Ezekiel and the rest of the Guardians had had to suffer in the last few hours, but he knew that Ezekiel would not only be exhausted...but also not in the mood to talk.

Which was perfect.

Brandon knocked on the door and in moments it was opened to reveal the mostly unclothed body of a god.

Ezekiel was all defined muscle and flawless skin, long arms and thick legs, none of which was easily hidden by the short pair of blue boxers that the Shifter answered in. Brandon was practically powerless to stop his eyes from dancing down between the Guardians pecks, past his lickable ribs and belly, to settle for a moment on the small dusting of slightly golden hair just below his navel that summoned a little ridiculous curl of heat in Brandons thoughts and in his gut as it disappeared down into the thin material that barely managed to conceal what was laying beneath.

Suppressing a yawn and completely oblivious to the fact that he was a work of sensual breathing art Ezekiel cast slightly red eyes at him and hissed weakly.

"Brandon...?" Ezekiel said softly smoothing over a look of surprise as he glanced around the hall then back at Brandon asking. "What's going on? You do know its three thirty in the morning."

"I....we need to talk...." Brandon started glancing away from Ezekiel to center himself....and so he would also stop ogling the Shifters amazing body.

"We need to talk?" Ezekiel scoffed drawing Brandon's gaze back to his. "Damn....that's one thing I don't think I was ever going to hear you say to me..." Ezekiel drawled dryly. There was a snippy attitude about him that Brandon knew was ninety percent exhaustion and another ten percent sexual and literal frustration.

"Can you stop being a bossy brat?" Brandon snipped back at him then sighed. "Seriously I want to talk to you. Are you going to let me come in?" Brandon asked him indicating the room beyond.

"Why should I? " Ezekiel suddenly hissed sharply. "....And why do you suddenly want to talk?"

"Because..." Brandon started to breath, but he needn't have tried to concoct his next sentence because Ezekiel cut him off.

"Because you want to lie to me some more?" Ezekiel quietly growled at him as he rolled his eyes and leaned his shoulder against the door frame of his bed room door way.

His words were worse than a slap, because Brandon had in fact came to his room hoping to do just that. Lie. And the fact that the Shifter already knew that both aggravated and shamed him.

So...wrapped up in these thoughts Brandon decided to throw the Shifter a curveball and tell the truth.

Nothing hurt like the truth and if he was going to get Ezekiel to back off....he needed to hurt him.

"I so God-Damn sick of you Ezekiel!" Brandon cried. "I came to tell you "No more!"

"No more?" Ezekiel frowned at him his blue eyes squinting in confusion. "Is...this about the Ghouls?"

"No." Brandon replied shortly. Once more unpleasantly remained that Ezekiel clearly suspected that he was connected to the Ghouls. But before Brandon could say more Ezekiel spoke again.

"So if you're not here to lie to me about the Ghouls...." Ezekiel mused to himself, pausing to let out a soft knowing chuckle he said "Is this about what happened outside your door" Ezekiel asked hitting the nail on the head so hard that Brandon wanted to curse.

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