Chapter 9 - Potatoes

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Chapter 9

And suddenly Erin was standing there. Standing in a long bright orange sundress, that was split along he calf's and sporting golden lace up saddles she looked just as lovely and Amazonian as Brandon remembered seeing her nearly a week before. "Ezekiel! Brandon!" She called as she left her front door open behind her and quickly walked down the steps of her front porch.

"Erin...slow down!" Ezekiel intoned from the cart, as the young Leopardess nearly stumbled down the steps, her long legs moving far too fast as she rushed up to them. She wasn't showing, so unless Brandon had been told he wouldn't have been able to guess that the bubbly girl skipping towards him was quickly on her way to motherhood.

Her hazel eyes were glowing with a slight ember light and a large smile was plastered across her face which showed off the small fangs that were growing. Her excitement was instantly infections as she nearly danced to a stop in Brandon's wake and waved. A frilly, bubbly energy seemed to vibrate all around her as she danced on her heels.

IT was instantly infectious and Brandon found himself casting the young Leopardess a smile and a jovial "Good morning Erin!"

"Hey guys!" She called tilting her head to the side, her hazel gaze taking in the vegetable laden cart that Ezekiel was standing in. With a slight sigh she suddenly righted her head and bit her lip. "I'm soo glad you showed up....I've got a huge problem!"

"What's wrong Erin!?" Ezekiel asked her sharply, and with a small grunt Ezekiel hopped down from the cart, the movement bringing him to Brandon's side and a few paces to the right of his cousin. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?" Ezekiel continued, his eyes clouded with worry, were taking her in from head to toe, as Ezekiel took a step in her direction.

Still smiling Erin released a frustrated and Erin threw her hands up in the air. "Jesus! You and Mantilo and Drin are driving me insane! " She cried taking a step back from Ezekiel, denying his touch. "Every time I say something or go slightly faster than a snail you guys all act like I'm about to explode!"

Slightly humbled by Erin's words Ezekiel stopped trying to approach her, but with a slight pout in his words he tried to defend himself. "But..." He started. "We just want you and the baby to be safe."

"The months away!" Erin growled back at him, placing a hand to her stomach for only a second before she gestured to Ezekiel. "And no matter how much you mother Hens pick and peck at me....He or She won't arrive any safer." Erin insisted as she raised her hand and glanced at her wrist. IT was then that Brandon noticed the small watch clipped around her wrist.

Instantly guessing that something was pressing on Erin's mind Brandon tried to steer the conversation away from the argument he could feel brewing between the two cousins. "Are you in a hurry Erin?" He asked tilting his head at the watch on Erin's wrist, that she had just dropped down to her side. "You were saying something about a 'Huge problem' earlier...." Brandon continued catching Erin's gaze as he shrugged slightly. "If YOURE fine....Then what IS wrong?"

With a small groan of sadness Erin dipped her chin to her chest. Her hair drifting forward over her shoulders to cover her face like a silken curtain. "Everything's getting out of control!" She sighed in response dramatically, before picking up her head and launching into a hasty. "So three months ago I was picked to do most of the catering and prep for this year's Clan Celebration, right?" She paused only long enough for Ezekiel to nod, before she continued with her story. "Well, you see at the time.....that was a really good idea! I'm mea, I was available and I want to help out....but soon after that Aunt Glen came to me and she asked me if I wanted to start apprenticing as a Healer. You know when I wasn't being a Guardian. And of course I said yes! It was like a dream come true. I couldn't believe that...."

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