Chapter 22- FEED

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Chapter 22

So here's the truth...

I can't survive without you....


Brandon danced backwards a few more steps from the seven foot abomination, then he turned and with a laugh he sprinted off into the woods. As Brandon ran he took the gloves off of his hands and quickly stuffed then into his back pocket. He knew he was going to need his bare hands if he was indeed going to feed.

He sensed the Ghoul coming after him in less than a second, its large, but unnervingly nimble body eating up the forest floor. Suddenly Brandon sensed the Ghoul lunge, sensed its claws swaying for the back of his head. Brandon took one last step, pivoted, tilting his head down so as to dodge the claws coming for his brain and brought his bare hands up and slammed them into the Ghouls cement like body. The moment his hands came into contact with the Ghouls was his.

Brandon ignored the Ghoul rearing up to attack him with its talons and simply closed his eyes and reached down towards the what was left of it. A weak spark. But the second Brandon hooked onto the Ghoul, the moment he touched its flesh, the Flame started to feed.

 Brandon opened his eyes to see the Ghoul down at his knees, it had its long clawed hands bunched near its head, clutching it in agony as, horrible desperate and pained screams and cackles poured out of its gaping, slobbery mouth. As did the bubble and churn of fresh blood vomited up over its fangs.

Brandon urged the Flame to feed faster as he tried to block out the screams of the pitiful beast....and the tears that were running from his own eyes. To anyone that saw him in that moment they probably would have seen the shite, dancing flame like light engulfing his hands....and the Ghouls slowly weakening body.

Its flesh sizzled at his touch, its blood boiled out of its mouth as the Flame danced around inside of its fragile body and drank it dry.

Brandon moaned in ecstasy and gagged on vomit. His own arousal was undeniable. He hated this. He hated what he did to other living things when he touched them, but something in his needed this. Needed to feed, and even if Brandon put it off for weeks and days.....eventually this always ended up happening.

Some part of him wanted to feel good that he was killing one of the beasts that could have killed another Shifter in Ezekiel's homeland because of him, but Brandon's conscious was far from unburdened. After all Brandon had done a lot of horrible things.

Silently praying...and not knowing why he did it....Brandon waited from the Flame to suck the last of the Ghoul down to nothing, but fate threw Brandon a sudden curve ball. The black Ghoul...gurgling its boiled blood out of its gaping, screaming, maw suddenly reared up and swiped its claws at Brandon's face, forcing him to jump back and sever the connection of his flesh on the Ghouls trembling, scorched blackened chest.

Brandon cast the Ghoul a steely glare as he slowly righted himself and dropped his palms to his side. The Flame languished just beneath his skin. Nearly purring like a fat cat. Sickened Brandon shoved it away. Wishing it would die. Wishing he would die.

Brandon pulled it in, shut it inside of its prison inside of his core....where he hoped it would remain locked for another six months. Starving and miserable.

Brandon shivered, licked his lips and looked down at the trembling and whimpering Ghoul that was clawing at the earth and no doubt in terrible agony from having most of its life sucked out of it. Instantly all of the pain....and need...and nausea that had sent Brandon running out of the mansion lessened and started to fade away.

Disgusted by the immense satisfaction that swirled across Brandon's body from feeding, calming the hunger of the Flame for the first time in months, Brandon turned his back on the thrashing Ghoul.

Taking his time Brandon reached into his back pocket, unfurled the gloves stuffed into his back pockets and slowly pulled the leather back down over his fingertips.

He felt no fear or urge to keep the Ghoul in his sights as he did this. Brandon knew that the weakened beast wouldn't be able to move, but Brandon also knew that he had been stopped from devouring its life entirely. Soon enough....the beast would recover. But Brandon had no ideas to feed the unholy flame any more life...he would give the beast a merciful end.

Brandon laughed softly at the irony of this as he walked to a nearby tree, and with a little bit of strain, he broke a thick branch from the tree. Planning to simply stab the beast in the throat until it stopped moving Brandon hefted the branch, took a step forward and locked his eyes on the black mound of teeth, claws and vile slobber.

Something cracked him in the chin. Brandon flew from the brain scrambling blow. A lance of agony cracked across his jaw, and sliced up into the core of his brain as his head was nearly ripped off of his shoulder and he was tossed into the air.

A jagged root sliced into his shoulder as Brandon slammed into the earth. The pain of the cut didn't register or the wet warm gush of blood down his back, but the unforgiving earth slamming into his spine and knocking against his skull took all of Brandon's strength and senses for one second. 

On a choked gasp Brandon nearly felt his head crack apart on the unforgiving roots beneath him, before Brandon forced himself to roll up to his feet and dodge to the left. Only for a viscous leg slam into the center of his body feeling like it mashed his intestines.

Unseeing and with his head temporarily ringing Brandon couldn't pinpoint the origin of the attack and stumbled drunkenly back into a tree, feeling like he was going to puke up his guts.

Vision swimming, head ringing, choking on pain and more than a little caught off guard Brandon held his stomach and looked up from beneath his tear stained lashes.

And froze in disbelief and horror. Two olive skinned Ghouls stood before him, slowly stalking closer to him. Closing in for the kill. These Ghouls were reminiscent of the Ghouls that had attacked Ezekiel's home and killed Billy the bee keeper....but Brandon instantly knew that these were not the same beasts.

For one, the Ghouls that had attacked Ezekiel and his brothers had all sustained horrible wounds courtesy of the Guardians and Brandon himself. While the tall, snarling, olive skinned, beasts that were glaring Brandon down as they stepped past their fellow black skinned Ghoul, leaving it to thrash and whimper in the dirt; they carried no visible wounds.

These Ghouls were new. Fresh. Bigger. 

"Shit...." Swallowing thickly Brandon couldn't help but let out a cynical laugh. "Well then? Come on boys...." He whispered still clutching his stomach in agony. "Take me back to daddy..."

The Ghouls lunged.

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