Chapter 10 - Tell Me Something

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Chapter 10

After that Ezekiel and Brandon delved into a silent rhythm.

The soft sun beat down on them and the grass, warming it, so that every blade that brushed against Brandon's ankles felt like the warm brush of a breath. And Brandon found the work and view to be a calming affair all around.

Even Ezekiels company calmed him. His presence perhaps calmed Brandon most of all. Mostly because Brandon found that he craved proximity to the Guardian that went beyond his own understanding.

Even though Ezekiel held himself in a brooding silence as they worked.

But this was understandable considering the fact that the two of them had only just gotten over a large...and mostly unresolved argument, minutes before arriving at Erin's cabin.

And for the most part, rather then continue to fight, Brandon allowed him to stew....especially seeing as Brandon had done everything in his power to aggravate and upset the guardian in the first place. So for a long moment they sat in shallow companionship, and both of them just remained in silence.

It was about an hour later that found Brandon and Ezekiel, were both sitting on either side of a much smaller, collapsed pile of potatoes. The cart that the vegetables had come out of had become their "bucket" so that each of the potatoes that the pair had managed to peel was tossed over their heads into the cart.

With Ezekiels guidance Brandon had figured out how to peel the spuds, but with his leather gloves covering his hands, the task that seemed menial, quickly became a headache for him.

The potatoes became slippery once their skin began to slide away beneath the metal tool in his hand, so that by time Ezekiel had peeled over thirty potatoes, Brandon found that he was still on his tenth one.

Beneath the midday sun and with the grass tickling his ankles Brandon was finally struggling with his twentieth potato when Ezekiel suddenly broke into his concertation.

"Brandon will you tell me something please?"

Without looking up and keeping a death grip on his current potato Brandon had to smile slightly to himself at the tenacity of the Shifter. His curiosity and insistence....were oddly refreshing. Brandon couldn't find it in himself to fault Ezekiel....or dislike him Brandon knew that he was puzzle. A mystery, and Brandon worked hard to appear that way. And most of people that saw this about him or figured out how strange he was usually turned away and left him alone. Always alone because it was safer for him and for other people.

But....Ezekiel was still trying to figure him out.

Despite the hurtles Brandon was making him jump through. Despite the fact that they we never going to see each other again. It was strangely appealing. His interest so open.

Brandon dropped the light smile on his face as he glanced up. "I don't know...Are you trying to interrogate me...AGAIN Ezekiel? Can't we just focus on the damn potatoes, because I don't really feel like arguing?"

Ezekiel glanced up at him then back down at the potato that he had in his own hand. As always Ezekiels face melted into a soft, charming smile at Brandon's blunt questions. "Calm it, I don't plan on arguing..." He said. Then he shrugged to himself. "And Ill try not to ask you anything that makes you unconvertable this time, I promise... So can't we have a normal conversation? No prying into anything personal you don't want to tell me...No games...just a nice talk."

"Why? Talk about what exactly?" Brandon mumbled, looking back down, as his hand slid and the potato peeler bit into the side of his gloves, he tisked in irritation and re-gripped the potato, before it could slid out of his hands entirely.

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