Chapter 18 - Deadly Secrets

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Chapter 18

The moment the bed room door came into view Brandon broke away from Ezekiels stride and disappeared inside of his room, leaving Ezekiel behind him with no explanation and dashing any hopes the Shifter had of smoothing over things between them.

Ezekiel let him go. He didn't call him back or follow him. But Brandon felt Ezekiels eyes burning into his back as he slipped into the room, slammed and locked the door closed between them as if it were a barrier....but Brandon wasn't trying to keep Ezekiel out. He was praying that he could keep something in.

His entire body was alive, his skin prickled with awareness of the heat that Ezekiel had ignited inside of him when he claimed his lips only moment ago. Brandon trembled with that sweet taste on his tongue, but he shivered in fear as well, because Brandon knew that if he didn't do something quickly to stem the flow of the Flames energy....nothing was going to keep Ezekiels family safe.

The Flame ragged free of his control. Feeling his Gloves strain under the onslaught of the energy , Brandon stripped his palms of their leather casing and started grimly down at his hands.

His palms were glowing....a bright white light shimmering about his long fingers and smooth palms. But more than just glowing his hands appeared to be burning. White, featherlike, dancing, deadly energy coursed around his fingertips and wrists, fading out just at the edges of his wrists.

The thick leather of the gloves had hidden it from everyone's eyes, but there was no denying the unnatural light that ragged at his fingertips. Dancing like bright hot flames. Ragging beyond the limits of Brandon's body and soul, bursting into the world against his wishes and materializing as this mysterious, and deadly odd light.

Brandon knew that the energy was always shackled inside of him. Locked down beneath his flesh, pulsating through his heart and soul, clawing and scratching to get its freedom. But he tried never let it out. Because once it was would hunt.

Almost as if it was reacting to Brandon's anxiety the Flame began to grow, to change.

With the fizzle and buzz of a strong force....the energy began to crawl and streak around him. Turning into angry zigzags of light. The energy bubbling around him like a live wire. It was immense. A plethora of sensations accompanied the Flames frantic growth.

The first being euphoria....bliss. The Flame came out of him, flooding his system with too much life, a bottomless well that made his entire body vibrate.

The second sensation was hatred. Because Brandon knew that the feeling of bliss was a lie. He knew that the Flame demanded blood and carnage...and made him feel good about wanting that by pumping his every nerve ending in sick pleasure.

The last sensation to grip Brandon was a thick and cloying fear. Because as the light expanded and grew more frenzied....Brandon suddenly knew without seeing exactly where every last person in Ezekiels family was. He felt them....the Flame searched for wanted them.....the Flame would tear through the walls....snake into the vents, crawl beneath the doors.

But it would take one of them....unless Brandon went through a release. A dangerous act....that would only hurt him more...but his pain paled next to the fear he felt clogging his chest.

With a ragged breath as Brandon felt all of senses locking on to all of the bodies around him....preparing to attack, he launched across the room, slammed the window wide open next to his bed and threw his hands out of the window towards the heavens. And then for the first time in months Brandon stopped holding the Flame down.....he let it pour out across the world. He let it rip out of him like a thousand knives being carved out of his chest.

A terrible flash of lightening ripped the darks skies. A flash of bright white light stroked upwards out of his palm and disappeared into the heavens. To anyone the monstrous glow would have looked like the onslaught of a storm, not the apparition of the terrible power that rested inside of Brandon. The Flame gushed out of him.

Ugh! I think I'm going to be sick!

Brandon thought as painful tears stung his eyes. The agony of the release was always the same....the pain was so great as the power tore out of him that it left him delirious and bloody and burned.

The moment Brandon let the flame out....he screamed and collapsed onto his knees, he clutched a badly blacked and burned and slightly split palm to his chest in agony. Tears trickled down his face as fresh heavy blood trickled down his forearm. IT hurt.....his whole body was weak without the Flame and for a moment he simply cried because he hated his life. But his reprieve didn't last long....

(MxM)Tales Of A Shifter (P2) - The Clan CelebrationKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat