Chapter 11- Bite For A Bite

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Chapter 11

Somehow feeling like the lamb to the slaughter as Ezekiel playful offer tried to take root Brandon shook his head. "No. Not on your life."

"No? Why not?" Ezekiels tone took on a slightly goading overture. "You can't be afraid to spar with me are you? You seem to know how to handle yourself in a fight....."

Something about the way that he said this sounded like a clear challenge. And damn him....but Brando had never been able to turn away from a challenge. "I do know how to handle myself!" He replied sharply.

Knowing that he had won part of the battle Ezekiel smiled, like a Cheshire cat. "Well then..." HE intoned putting out his hands to his sides, palms up. "Spar with me..."

"Are you serious? You really want to do this?" Brandon sighed.

"Well were out here for the rest of the afternoon." Ezekiel said back dropping his hands and motioning to the sun that wasn't even halfway past the wide clear sky. "And it will be a good way to pass the time..."

"And I guess that's important...." Brandon mumbled to himself sarcastically, even as he started to climb to his feet.

Ezekiel heard his words and nodded his head. "It is Important and fun." He said, then he stepped closer and motioned in Brandon's direction. "Besides...You need a little bit of fun in your life. Something simple, before you pack up and leave Brandon...." Ezekiel told him. "This will be a good memory for both of us, especially since I like passing time with you, even though we spend most of the time arguing with each other."

Instantly trying to distance himself from what Ezekiel words made him want to feel, Brandon retreated a step and shook his head at Ezekiel.

"So what am I to you now...your friend? Your mortal pin pal or something?" he asked trying to sneer and not having the heart to pull it off completely.

Ezekiel brushed off his tone, the way he always did. As if he knew it was all just an act.

"Hey! If I was calling us friends...." He said. "I wouldn't' make fun of that. You're probably the first mortal to befriend a Leopard Shifter, possibly even a Shifter, in a very long time. We haven't exactly had any visits from mortals in my Clan in the last few DECADES. And If we saw any mortals, it was when we ventured to the city's where they resided, which wasn't often. Anyway, you're the first one to live with my family that's for sure. And that is something special. Don't disregard it."

Pinned down for a response all Brandon could do was shake his head and ask. "So that makes us friends?"

Ezekiel tilted his head. "Why not?" he said simply.

"Why not.....because......because....I don't know." Brandon stammered in response as he drew a swift blank on what to actually say.

With that Ezekiel cast him one of his signature smiles as he turned and started walking out into the fields.

"All right then let's do this!" He hissed as he walked away, towards the tress far to the left of an open field beyond Erin's cabin. "It will be a simple match." He quickly input next. "Just three points to win the victory. Come on Brandon!"

"Fine. I'm coming." Brandon sighed still standing by the cart, but instead of following him, Brandon hung back for a moment. Still trying to find the answer to Ezekiel's earlier question.

Why not be friends?

Brandon didn't have to lie to himself or ignore that he liked Ezekiels. Possibly too much and definitely much more then he had liked anyone else. And Brandon appreciated that he owed Ezekiel his life, and even his gratitude but there were two very distinct things blocking Brandon from just sticking out his hand and agreeing with a big fake smile on his face.

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