Chapter 31 - Dance Of Lovers

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*Will Brandon stay?*

Chapter 31

Stay. You're not goona leave me. This place is right where you need to be.

So stay. Because I've been watching you changing....

Just tell me what you're thinking...I'm scared that you might fall.

-Eden project (Wake up)

"Uh, Ezekiel? I...uh...just noticed..."Brandon took a swift breath and shook his head. "The music changed." He said as he glanced around, and Ezekiel dropped his hand from his arm.

Ezekiel blinked. "Yeah." He began looking past Brandon out into the night, then his mind registered the music and he cleared his throat. "The uh....the song changed about a minute ago."

Brandon swiped his hair away from his forehead. "I don't know this song. So I guess this is where I leave the floor?"

A cool wind danced across the night carrying with it the drunken shout of pleasure and release. Ezekiel assumed the sound came from the couple that had snuck away earlier to be alone.

Brandon blinked at the sound, turned his gaze from Ezekiel for the first time and looked around at all of the men and women around them. The atmosphere was hot and heavy to say the least. Every couple and temporary lover in the Clan had taken to the floor. Long time couples to on night moon struck lovers.

Lander and a pretty young leopardess were rocking into each other a few feet away by another smaller log fire. Her hands were boldly slipped around his hips and glued to his backside. While Lander held her to him with one large hand at her lower back and the other pulling her head back by a thick braided pony tail so he could kiss her. Their moves were rough, but the female seemed to be okay with it.

Nate and his young lady were also dancing, her back to his front. Nates hands traveled down the front of her body, skimming her breasts suggestively, traveling to settle on her womb as they rocked. Like snakes they twined back and forth, smooth and slow.

Walter had three Leopardesses dancing on him. He stood on the very fringes of the light, far across the clearing. Gorgeous leopardesses' that swayed like forest pines in a storm tried to entice him further out into the night. Ezekiel knew that many young women were hoping to catch the cold eye of the next Clan Head, but whatever it was that turned his Eldest brother's eye, these Leopardesses didn't have it. The heat in their circle wasn't hard to miss as the females twined and gyrated, but Walter held them back with an air of indifference that none of them could seem to broach. A kiss, a lingering caress, but nothing else was to happen.

Ezekiel couldn't readily spot his parents in the night, but he knew that they would be out there dancing too.

Brandon's mouth formed into a little O as he watch Lander nearly yank the female that was with him up onto his hips and carry her away. She went along willingly with a sensual giggle. Brandon's eyes shot back to Ezekiel, the look in his eyes turning to panic in seconds.

"What is everyone...What dance is this?" he tried not to stammer and failed.

"The dance of lovers." Ezekiel informed him softly with a shrug, listening to Brandon's heartbeat steadily increase. His peppered scent wafted off of him as the blood in his veins pumped harder. Ezekiel swallowed as the scent pulled on him as it always did.

Brandon was so preoccupied with the couple sucking face beside him that he didn't notice Ezekiel steeping closer. "Oh....but why are we out here? Isn't this dance only for them?" He pointed with his eyes to the couple.

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