Chapter 45 - Terrifying Truths

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Chapter 45

The venom was impossible to stop. There was no cure. There was no stopping the victims from dying.

Brandon had already tried to save a life and had instead aided in taking it......

There was nothing he could do......The moment Brandon looked at the wound in Ezekiel's stomach he knew all of this to be the truth, but he refused to accept it.

"No....They can't have you too!" Brandon whispered into his hands.

He wouldn't allow this to happen!

Without thinking about what he was doing Brandon tore the gloves off of his hands, dropped down in the sand and grass and shoved his hands against Ezekiel's chest.

Both he and the Shifter were soaking wet from their dip in the lake so Brandon was forced more than once to reach up and dash water from his eyes that was dripping lazily from the strands of his bangs.

Then with all of the will power in his body Brandon tried to make the Flame do as he commanded. He tried his hardest to make it heal. He let it out of his soul. Bliss kissed his every nerve ending. His entire awareness amped up.

His head and body felt weightless, but this good feeling didn't mask the fear he was feeling or the ever present pull of hunger that accompanied the release of the flame into his body. Brandon ignored the pull of hunger and instead he focused on the boundless energy boiling across his flesh.

Save him! Save him!

Brandon pushed and shoved the energy out of his fingertips, until they were burning with effervescent bright white light that looked like dancing fames. His fingertips glowed heavily as the Flame gathered in his hands...but....The flame shuttered and shook against his control. It pulled. And it slipped.

It refused to obey....instead it pushed him back, it nibbled on the life at his fingertips. It sampled Ezekiel's essence. Brandon had gotten a taste of Ezekiel energy before and had quickly stopped the Flame from taking the Shifters essence away, but for the few seconds that Brandon had let the Flame feed, he had been disturbed by how....intense the unwanted connection was.

But this time Brandon was powerless to cut off the connection as fast as he would have liked too. And Instantly Brandon was shocked at not only how strong Ezekiels energy was, but also by how hot it was. Like Steam was on his soul. IT almost burned to touch Ezekiel's essence. He was shocked by how dense it was....

.....And how sweet it was.

Some stronger energies that Brandon touched....had a personality about them. A feeling or a scent....or a flavor that made the feeling of leeching almost personify the act of eating. A sweetness or a spice or a nasty oily base.

Ezekiels energy....was like molten white melted chocolate mixed with sharp spices.

The moment Brandon touched it, the moment he felt the Flame swallow some of it up....he instantly wanted more.

A sever cramp, a physical ache shot down through the core of his body. Even while a hot whip of longing and want settled in his gut, stirring his cock and making him pant with the severity of the feeling.


Something ....dark....and possessive crawled up into his thoughts, whispering. Screaming. Begging. Stroking a lust that he had been denying for weeks.

Take it all! MORE! MORE!!

He felt it urging him like the Flame had never urged him to feed before.

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