Chapter 3 - Innate Abilities

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Chapter 3

Unexpectedly the kitchen was already occupied when Brandon and Ezekiel came into it. Lander, Nate and Walter stood in the middle of the dining room. Half eaten breakfasts consisting of scrambled eggs and toast called to Brandon as he made his way into the room on Ezekiels heels.

With his eyes only for the stove Brandon didn't exactly notice anything amiss until he and Ezekiel had both pilled on fresh eggs, crispy bacon and more bacon onto their plates and taken seats at the counter-top. Brandon took a moment to glance at the brothers.

They were all gathered with their tall backs turned away as they all looked at something Brandon guessed was extremely compelling.

With Nate standing just a few feet in front of his other brothers. All of the brothers looked, fresh from the hunt. And much like Ezekiel, they carried a restless, frustrated air that circulated just beneath the calm and playful expressions on the three brother's faces. The buzzing live wire nature of predators ready to be let free.

But unlike Ezekiel, it appeared to Brandon that while Ezekiel had went up to Brandon's room, the rest of his siblings had spent the morning washing up for patrols.

All of them were sporting hair slicked back as if they had just emerged from the shower, matching white tee shirts that did everything to enhance the hard bodies hidden beneath them, and simple pairs of faded jeans and work boots.

For the first few minutes all Brandon could really focus on was the food, but after that.....Brandon happened to look up in time to catch a glimpse of what it was that had all of the older brothers enraptured.

IT was a broom.

Confused Brandon scoffed and shoved one last spoon full of eggs into his mouth before he turned to Ezekiel.

"What are they doing...? Having a staring contest with the broom"? He whispered at Ezekiel in confusion, periodically casting his elder brothers looks. "Are they waiting for the wood to blink or something?"

A slow large smile spread across Ezekiel's handsome face, before he shook his head and looked back down at his plate, without offering any explanation for what was happening or why.

Suddenly Nate threw his hand up into the air....and slowly brought it down back level with the broom all while shouting to the heavens. "I command thee to move! By the strength of the Moon I compell you!!!!"

Ezekiel choked on his food and started coughing and laughing hard. And Brandon gaffed with him, a random and uncontrolled laugh bubbled up out of Brandon before he could stop it and he had just covered his mouth when Walter, Nate and Lander turned around to look at him.

Suddenly in the cross hairs of all of the brothers Brandon didn't want to talk, but with a slight shrug, Brandon dropped his hands and shook his head.

"I'm laugh." He apologized trying to drop the smile on his face and not quite managing to make it fade away. "But what are you doing over there Nate?" He asked gesturing to the broom.

"It looks like your trying to cast a spell or something?" Suddenly something clicked for Brandon and he let out a soft breath. "Oh....!" He said. "Does all of this have something to do with your little abilities?"

As he spoke all of Ezekiel's brothers had turned form their huddle and crossed the room to stand around the countertop.

Once they were all settled around him and Ezekiel it was Nate that responded to him " Little abilities? So, you're familiar with the fact that we have these abilities?"

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