Chapter 40 - Hurt Him

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*Ohhh the pressure just keeps growing, what will Brandon do now?

"Another LOCK DOWN!!!" Brandon screamed minutes after running into his room and slamming the door shut between him and Ezekiel's sharp gaze.

He didn't care if he was heard. He screamed because he couldn't bring himself to break down and cry again like he had shamefully just did in Ezekiel's embrace.

"This can't be fucking happening to me....NOT now!"

Brandon walked across the room and slammed his fist into the lamp. The heavy glass toppled swiftly in wake of his frustration and shattered, splaying shards all across the wooden floor. And Brandon didn't stop there. He kicked the mattress, forcing the heavy wooden frame to shift half a foot, then he swiped his arm across the top of the drawer knocking every item atop it to the floor including the pack he had received from Glen and a decorated box of mahogany and lace that held smooth stones and beads


Brandon felt the power swirling inside of him, the flame getting wilder, and hotter the more that he lost his grip. He felt his palms warming up beneath the gloves, the flame leaking out of his body and into the world, but for the moment Brandon didn't even bother to stop it. What would be the point?

. The waves of his energy were out in the world now and there was not hiding it. THEY didn't need the Ghouls to sniff him out now. His location was surely known to THEM.

To protect a child he had let the Flame out. He had used it. And like a beacon or an SOS his position had been given away.

They will find me now. I've lead they right to me and once they find me....!

Brandon ignored the rage and the hatred that tried to choke him. He didn't fear for himself....he feared what he would do to anyone that came against him. The joy he would feel at destroying anything and everything he despised. Swallowing thickly Brandon tucked the darkness of his mind away.

"I've got to get the hell out of this place!

I've got to protect these people!! I don't....I don't want anyone else to die...

And thinking of all the people he would hurt if he came under attack and lost control.....somehow cooled the whirlwind of emotions that could have buried him.

Slowly he drained and with his mind calming down....the Flame curled up inside of him and faded into sparks.

Anger spent Brandon closed his eyes and panted shallowly. A few moments passed but he didn't open his eyes. Standing in the midst of his mess, he felt numb and ashamed of what he had done. Nothing here belonged to him. Half the things he had broken were probably precious heirlooms.

Brandon finally forced himself to look at the mess he had made only for him to groan loudly and drop down on to his knees in front of it all. A mess that seemed to reflect his present situation.

He knew. He knew that people were in terrible danger. He knew that he had caused the deaths that had transpired only a few minutes ago.....He knew that his enemies were about to catch up to him. He was trapped, unless he escaped the lock down and trampled all over Mantilo's authority.

But to do that...he would need an ace up his sleeve. Something that would help him fight the Guardians....and Mantilo when they came after him. Something that gave him the strength and the speed to injure a Ghoul. There was only one thing for him to rely on and that was his flame....but at what cost?

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