A flash of silver catches your attention as you notice you have company below.

Two vampires have taken an interest in the young teens, talking quietly amongst themselves.

Your interest peeks as you realize you have never seen a vampire attack before.

You jump from your branch, landing soundlessly on the ground beside the two vampires.

The one with silver hair watches the girl with a strange glare as the other, with strategically placed black bedhead looks indifferent to the situation.

"There she is, she's best friends with that little fucker."

The silver hair man spits as the darker haired man shrugs, "So what are you going to do?" the dark haired man asks the silver haired man grins maniacally "I'm going to kill her. She will die for her friend's actions.

"I just haven't figured out how I will do it. Should it be in front of the hunters, or maybe just have her body disappear? Maybe I should leave it on his doorstep?"

The silver haired man laughs as the dark haired man shakes his head. "You have too much time on your hands Hasten." Hasten turns back to the girl, who is now arguing with Alex.

You're curious as to why a vampire would bother planning out something this simple. Just kill her and be done with it.

"I'm going to make this one count; I will keep an eye on her and figure out what to do from there."

The dark haired vampire nods his head, still showing no interest in this matter.

"Fine, but I'm done with this, I will see you at home."

With that, the dark haired vampire disappeared, leaving behind Hasten to watch the kids.

The fact that this guy looked to be in his twenties and watching a bunch of pre-teens wait for their parental figure was super creepy, but he did say his intention was to murder them, so really, this is probably the most normal thing he's done all day.

A car that looks like it's been around a couple decades pulls up to the kids, a women with matching raven hair and the same reddish brown eyes as the girl smiles kindly at the two kids.

They pile into the car as the vampire watches the call drive off. Hasten follows in pursuit as you decide you have nothing better to do and follow.

The car pulls into the old apartment buildings on the outskirts of town. You honestly thought no one lived here when you were alive, believing this place to be condemned.

The family gets out of the car and heads into the run down building.

I'm Being Stalked By A Ghost & Hunted By A VampireWhere stories live. Discover now