Glimmer: My life before you

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A Glimmer/ Bow story. 

Being a princess can make for a lonely life. 

I'll tell you the story of my life before I met my best friend. 


I don't remember much until I was around 5 years old. Mom of course has all kinds of videos of me. EXTREMELY embarassing ones too. And my absolute favorites of me and my dad, my hero. I lost him when he was fighting The Horde of The Fright Zone. One of the first casualties my mom has said more times than I can count. 

I know she's still in a lot of pain. A pain so deep no one can ever heal it.

School was difficult for me. The teachers were nice, my peers not so much. I tried to befriend so many of them. I thought I had friends, but those friends said mean things behind my back. I finally realized this after years of trying so hard to make them like me. I over heard a girl named Darla laughing with a group of her friends. They were talking about me. Mostly about my apperance. 

I can't help that I'm super short and look like a pink and purple marshmellow. I've grown to like myself over the years. And being only fifteen isn't the best either. At least I have Bow in my life. 

Bow and I met in The Whispering Woods one day. He was shooting arrows and talking to himself. I had a spat with my mother as usual and needed air. I went storming into the woods just because. I screamed as an arrow barely missed my head. 

"Watch where you're going!" Bow had screamed out at me. I was ten at the time and he was thirteen. 

I screamed back, "Watch where you shoot those things!" 

He saw I was a little kid. "Uh, what are you doing out here?" 

"Nothing." I said and kept walking. Bow followed me and I got upset and hit him with my magic. 

"Whoa! You've got powers?" He said loudly, "So cool." He carefully asked, "Are you a princess?" 

I turned and bowed to him. "Princess Glimmer of Bright Moon. And I've been fighting with my mother so here I am." 

Bow smiled and strangely bowed at me. "Nice to meet you, Shimmer." 

Messing up my name irked me. "GLIMMER!" I corrected him. He began asking me things, but I knew I couldn't be gone long. "I gotta go or mother will send out a search party for me." And that's where I left him. 

A few days later I had finished my lunch and watched as Molly, Hollie and Jollie, walked by pointing and whispering about me. Those girls always teased me. And mostly about my weight.

 "Does mommy pack you five brownies every day?"  Jollie, the meanest of them asked. 

Hollie jumped in with, "Sure looks like it." 

They all laughed and I cried after they were out of sight. 

Bow had witnessed everything. He sat down beside me. "Are you okay?" 

 I let out a little startled scream. "Will be." I answered and wiped off the tears. 

"So," He began. "Why are they being like that?" 

I shrugged. "I don't understand it either. I've tried being nice and all. Nothing ever seems to work." 

Bow hugged me. "I think we could be good friends. Wanna be mine?"

For the next week we were glued to each other sides. Mother approved of him and weeks later he came to live in Bright Moon. He never did say where he was from at the time. I just assumed it was a village close to us. 

He'd offered to teach me how to shoot an arrow. I never did learn how. 

My life before him was dull and depressing. Now I have a best friend for life. 

*Like this? It's over on FaceBk now too  Itsmyfanfiction 

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