Chapter 24 : Say Something I'm Giving Up On You🦄

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Neha sat on the stairs as she knew that she was about break down. She swallowed her tears and sat there. Darshan placed his hands on his waist and looked at the sky blankly. A awkward silence was building up in that situation.

"I love her.", He uttered breaking the silence.

"I know.", She said back. "But you know what I don't care. I don't care about you, not your feelings, not about anything.", She told. "Do you remember?", Neha added.

"That day you said that, I didn't want you to be happy, I couldn't see you happy. I don't want you to be happy?", She questioned with a smile on her face. Darshan once looked at her.

"Where I am the one who always wanted you to be happy. I always choose your happiness over mine and see what I got!", She also looked at him.

"And do you remember how you didn't stay in touch as you left Ahmedabad?", He questioned back.

"I was only 12 at that time Darsh. I had nothing to do.", She defended herself.

"You can't escape by saying that.", He said.

"Ok that was my fault, I agree. But remember I came back only because of you. I fought with my parents and came back only because of you. And what you did, not for a single time you told me before leaving for Raw Star. I got to know that my best friend went to achieve his dreams from whom, Rashi.", She lowered her head.

"Everything happened in a rush you know that.", He came and sat beside her, "I didn't get the time."

"And you can't escape by saying this.", She uttered. Darshan looked away.

"After all these things I came back, again because you're my best friend.", She added.

"You didn't come back for me, you came back for mom.", Darshan told.

"Yes I came back for her. Because I loved her. You know she was more than just your mother to me. But I also knew that you would need me at that time, you were broken that's why I came.", She explained, "but where were you when I needed you? Where were you when I was falling apart, WHERE WERE YOU? You never came back."

Now tears escaped form her eyes.

"You just pushed me away, you did that all, like it meant nothing to you. And at the end, it all destroyed me, it destroyed me like nothing else. Why do I call you my best friend, do you even know the worth of being called a best friend? Didn't it hurt you the way it hurt me, everyday?", She questioned but he didn't have any answer of that.

"And for so long time my heart kept saying no, because a best friend, a best friend won't do that.", her voice broke at the end.

She stood up to leave. But Darshan held her hand.

"I'm sorry.", He said.

"For how many things you're sorry Darsh?", She asked without looking at him.

"You know what the thing is, you always took me for granted.", She said.

"No!", He looked up to her.

"I'm done. I'm done with you Darsh. And myself!", She whispered.

She pulled her hand back from his grip and left for her room. He kept sitting there. And regarded for everything he ever had done to her.

Life was hard, complicated just like their relation. They didn't say what they want to, instead of that they said all those things they shouldn't, and that only made everything nothing but worst.

Neha closed the door as she reached to her room and she just broke down. Because deep down in her heart she was still she, the Neha who cared about everyone around her. No matter how many times she said that she didn't care, but she still did, care for her best friend, him. And it did hurt, so bad that she couldn't breath.

* * *

"What are you doing here?", Neha asked to Rishi.

"Ai come come.", Rishi patted the place beside him. Neha looked all around and found there was nothing except them. Neha sat beside him carefully.

"I bought something for you.", Rishi smiled.

"And what's that?", She asked.
Rishi took out a bunch of beer bottles from the carry bag.

"Oh shit.", Neha chuckled.

"Ek Ek Ho Jaye?", Rishi winked at her.

"I needed this so badly.", Neha grabbed a bottle and just started.

"Oh Aaram Se Bhai!", Rishi chuckled seeing her.

"I love you for this trust me.", She told.

"Did you just say I love you?", Rishi asked.

"Nah!", She nodded a no.

//Something is going to happen. Just wait for it 😉💞//

UNEXPECTED 2 : Phase 2 (A Darshan Raval Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora