Chapter 2 - Is It So Easy? 🦄

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Upasana hugged her aunt as the train was about to leave.

"See you direct in the wedding.", Her aunt said.

Upasana smiled with a node.
"Have a safe journey.", She said and her aunt and her family got up in the train.

Upasana tuner around and made her way outside of the station when her eyes fell on the white car which was standing just outside of the station.

Neha and Darshan were standing against that. They were laughing so much on something. As Upasana saw the two smiling faces, a smile came on her face too.

"What's up guys?", She walked to them asking this. They both looked at her.

"Hey we came to pick you up.", Darshan said.

"It was not needed. I would take the taxi.", Upasana said.

"Arey Aise Kayse? We shouldn't leave the bride alone now.", Neha said.

Upasana looked at her with a smile, without saying anything.

"C'mon you need a hug.", Saying that Neha hugged Upasana. She hugged her back. Darshan smiled and looked down.

"How're you?", Neha asked.

"I'm good now.", Upasana broke the hug.

"I exist.", Darshan said.

"No you don't.", Neha wrinkled her nose.

"Now can we get in?", Darshan looked at the two ladies.

"Yap. Accha listen drop me to the house ok.", Neha said.

"Why? We're planning to go out na?", Darshan asked.

"Ahh, we'll go tomorrow. Not today. I'm not feeling that much well.", She said rolling her lower lip.

"Are you fine?", Upasana asked.

"Yah I'm I just need some rest.", She breathed out.

"Ok let's go. We're all going to home together.", Darshan suggested.

"But you guys need to go to some shop na?", Neha asked.

"We'll go tomorrow, with you.", Upasana said.

Neha looked at her and said, "Stop being so sweet to me."

She got into the car making Darshan and Upasana chuckle.

* * *

Neha opened the door and they all stepped inside.

"And then what there's nothing we can do expect running from there.", Upasana finished and Neha laughed loudly. She looked forward and her eye landed on the person sitting on the couch.

"Hey. You've reached.", With a smile Neha asked.

"Where were you? I was calling you continuesly from yesterday. And you left without informing me suddenly yesterday. What the heck is wrong with you Neha?", The person shouted standing up.

"Clam down Aaru. I left the message na I'm coming here.", Neha said.

"I hate you for doing this ok. And now where you went? I was worried about you. Can't you give me a little bit peace?", Aarushi's complains were endless.

"I'm fine Aaru. I was with them.", Neha said.

Aarushi looked at Darshan and Upasana behind her.

"That's why I was worried more.", Aarushi said.

"Aaru...", Neha grabbed her hand.

"Ok you guys talk. Upasana come with me na I want some help.", Neha dragged Upasana to upstairs leaving Darshan and Aarushi there alone.

Aarushi was looking at the white floor, she clutched the handle of trolley and about to turn when Darshan said, "Hey can I help."

"No thank you.", She uttered.

"Aaru, how're you?", He asked with a hesitation.

"Hopefully I'm good.", Without looking at him she said.

"I'm happy you came.", Darshan said.

"Look Darshan,", she looked eat him, "Stop trying to be normal when it's not. I'm not Neha who will forgive you so easily after whatever you've done to her. So don't expect that from me.", She turned around but stop and said, "And I came here only because of her. I can't do the same mistake again. I don't believe anyone, anymore.", Saying that she left. Darshan said nothing.

That one incident ruined a lots of relationships.
Didn't matter how hard he was trying to fix the broken parts but the scare would be there, forever.

UNEXPECTED 2 : Phase 2 (A Darshan Raval Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now