Venice - part 2

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Stefani was looking at herself in the big mirror in her room. She was wearing a big and fluffy pink dress, her hair was up in a sophisticated bun and her makeup was simple but elegant. She was feeling pretty, powerful, and that was a fucking awesome feeling to have.

She went to the lobby of the hotel and then went to the car that was going to take her to the red carpet. She had been told the Bradley would do the carpet before her, and that made her a little sad. So it was a surprise when the car door opened and she saw Bradley there, holding his hand out for her. She immediately took his hand and he helped her get out of the car, closing the door for her as well, their hands never breaking contact.

They walked the carpet together and stoped one time for an interview. Unfortunately it was drizzling a bit, so they had to make it quick. After the little interview was done, they walked hand in hand and Bradley whispered in her ear that his tie was a little crooked, so she fixed it and they posed together for more photos. At some point, Bradley leaned in and whispered in her ear:

"Wet is better" and she rolled her eyes smiling, but at the same time feeling a shiver run through her body.

Bradley whispered to Gaga that he would go talk to some fans so she posed for the next photos by herself. Soon she joined him and took pictures and gave autographs to some fans and after that, they entered the establishment, never letting go of each other's hand.

They walked into the room where the film was being displayed and as soon as they walked in everyone starting clapping. They walked to their seats and said a briefly hello to Irina and cristian, that were sitting behind them, and sat on their seats.

Soon a woman started talking in a language that they didn't understand much, but soon she said Gaga's name and everyone clapped again, specially Bradley, that was beaming next to her. The woman said Bradley's name as well and the room clapped again and the lights went off and the movie started playing, for the first time for the world to see.

Throughout the whole movie, Bradley hold Stefani's hand, and that did not go unnoticed by Irina, who was sitting in the back wanting nothing more than for this to be over so she can go to her hotel room and have a serious talk with Bradley.

Two hours later the movie was over and Stefani was in tears. Everybody stands up clapping so Bradley and Gaga get up as well, with Bradley's hand still on hers. They point at each other as if saying the credit was all theirs and then he leans in, kisses her on the cheek and hugs her, and stefani breaks down crying. They whisper sweet things to each other.

Bradley seeing that Stefani was crying so much, puts his arm around her, and her head goes to his shoulder, and after that, they share another hug, that took a while longer this time.

Stefani turns around and is met by Irina, that gives her two kisses on the cheek, surprising Stefani and when she sees it, Cristian is leaning in for a kiss. Her heart stopped. She couldn't say no, there was a lot of people looking at them, so she decided to lean in and just quickly pecked him on the lips. Bradley shook hands with Cristian and Stefani realized he didn't even looked at Irina, and that made her feel good and bad at the same time.

They turned now to the front and Stefani forgetting everything leaned in too close to him, but soon backed away, for a minute forgetting they were not alone.

They stayed there for a few more minutes then people started leaving the room. Outside, all the actors reunited and talked for a while, a few of them crying, including Stefani, while taking about the big experience that was A star is Born.

Later that night, everyone went to their hotels and Gaga said a brief good night to Bradley, seeing that irina was by his side and holding his hand.

When Bradley entered the room, Irina turned to him and said:

"I can't do this Bradley, the still being friends part. I just can't, after tonight, not anymore."

Sorry guys for the short chapter.
PS: almost all of what I wrote in this chapter actually happened. You can see it on a video on YouTube ;)

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