Are you alright?

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   Hi guys!! I was wondering, would you like to join a WhatsApp group about Bradga/Lady Gaga? If so message me  your number in private here on Wattpad, and depending on how many people sends their number, I'll create a group :)

   Enjoy this chapter!

   -I have to go, see you in a bit - she put her hand on his knee to help her get up, and went to her trailer to get ready for the scene, her first in the movie.

   She was now ready, with her hair and make-up done and Ally's clothes on looking in a mirror on her trailer. This is it, she thought, This is actually happening: "my first scene on a movie that I'm staring in". She took a couple deep breaths and put a robe on, going out of the trailer and into the set. She sat in a chair in front of the mirror and got ready for the scene. A few Dragqueens came in and she said hello to them. From the afar, she saw Bradley talking to a crew member behind the camera, probably giving them some insights on what he wanted the scene to look like. He then asked everyone if they were ready and when they all said yes he himself positioned on set and shouted: "Action!"

   The scene went by pretty smoothly, after Brad's character signed a drag's breast, they were left "alone" on set. They said their lines looking at each other at all times, and when he touched her neck to bring her closer so he could get her fake eyebrows off, she fept a shiver go up and down her back, just with a simple touch of his hand. She couldn't help but notice how different his voice was, it was almost an octave lower, and it made him sound so... sexy?! she thought "Oh stop it Stef, you gotta stop thinking like this" she thought.

    A few lines later he yelled "Cut" and talked a bit to the crew. They decided to do the scene more two times, just to make sure they got it all right. After that was fineshed, everyone clapped and Bradley gave Stefani a high five, soon followed by a quick hug, but it was time enough for him to whisper in her ear: "You were perfect", and for her to feel butterflies at her stomach as well. They all went to their trailers to change. The next scene would be when ally is done getting ready and finds Jackson singing "Maybe is time" on a little stage. Because her hair was with a black product on it to make it look black, she had to take a shower and that made her a little late for the next scene. While she made her way to the set, she felt pain on her hips, making it hurt everytime she took another step. She hated this, the fibromyalgia. It always gets to her when she doesn't have time to deal with it. She just tried to forget the pain and continued walking towards the set.

    They shoot the scene two times and then Gaga was free to go home, cause the next scene that they were about to shoot was just with Bradley, the one where he took a few pills. As soon as they fineshed shooting she went to her trailer, because her body pain got worse as the scene was progressing. She barely said bye to anyone and already left, and Bradley realizing that went after her. As she was going to open her trailer door she felt someone's hand on her wrist, and immediately knew who it belonged to.

   She turned around and Bradley said:

   -Hey, you're ok Stef?

   -Yeah, I'm... Fine - she said but at the same time felt a aching pain on her arm. She turned around to open the door as Bradley said:

   -You know you can talk to me, right? - he said with those sweet and loving eyes of his that from that moment she knew: she could trust him no matter what.

   -Is just... I'm in pain right now - she said looking away, a little embarrassed.

    -What do you mean? - he was staring to get worried, she could tell.

   -It's because of the fibromyalgia, sometimes it just hits me hard - she sighed

   -Oh, I didn't know...

   -It's ok, how would you know anyway - for some people it may have sounded harsh, but not for him

   -Are you gonna be ok? Do you need anything? - he let go of her hand just now

   -No I'm fine, it'll pass in a few minutes

   -Thats good - he made a pause - I have to go get changed for the next scene, but tell me if you need anything ok?

   -I will, thanks Brad - she put her arms around his neck and hugged him for a few seconds. After that, she said:

   -I'll see you tomorrow

   -See ya - he winked at her before leaving, and that for some reason melted her heart.

    Cristian came and picked her up and they went to her house, where they spent the rest of the day just chilling. He didn't notice she was in pain, but that was a usual thing for him, he never did. Later that night, when she was in bed beside Cristian who was already asleep, she got a message from Bradley.

     " Hey, I just got home. How are you feeling, are you feeling better? Tell me if you need anything. See you tomorrow

               Bradley "

  She smiled at that and answered she was better now, with no more body pain and thanked him for being so thoughtful. When she put the phone away and closed her eyes to go sleep, she couldn't help but think how someone she just met could pay more attention to her than her actual boyfriend, fiance to be specific. Bradley was a sweetheart, and she couldn't ask for a better friend. A friend, that's what she kept telling herself.

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