Movie night

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Hi guys! Here I am with another chapter, hope you guys like it :) I didn't read through this one, so tell me if there are any mistakes, and I'll fix it.
Until next time ♥️

-Where were you bradley? Did you spend the night out? - he froze and didn't know what to say.

  -Y-Yes, yes I did - he walked to where she was, hoping to get to his room with her not saying anything.

  -And May I know with who?

  -No, you may not. This is none of your business Irina - he said trying not to raise his voice.

  -Why are you talking to me like that?

   -Are you really asking that question? You are the one that's interrogating me

   -As the mother of your child, I just wanted to know where you spent the night, is that too much to ask? - she was playing him and he knew it.

   -I drank too much last night and stayed at a friend's house ok? Now if you don't mind, I'm going to my bedroom - he lied and turned around now even waiting for her reply. Later that they Irina left Lea with him and went to run some errands, and Bradley spent the rest of the day playing and taking care of his daughter.


As the days were passing, Bradley and a crew started working on the editing part of the movie, and when it was done, a month later, he texted Stefani and asked her if she wanted to stop by at his house, saying that he had a surprise for her. He did that because Irina was in a night out with her girlfriends, so he thought it was a good opportunity to ask Stefani to come over. In this past month they didn't see each other much because Stefani was busy with planning for her enigma concerts, but they still managed to see each other a couple of times, and they texted and called the other almost every day.

He was finishing making dinner when the doorbell rang, and he went to open it knowing exactly who was on the other side. She was there, wearing blue jeans and a black shirt, her hair was up in a ponytail and she was wearing her black glasses. She was so cute, he thought.

-Hi Brad - she said with a cute smile and with her cheeks a little red, that he couldn't resist and bent down and hugged her, a hug that lifted her little body of the ground.

They got inside and ate dinner talking about what was going on with their lives, with Gaga talking about the preparations for her enigma residency and Bradley talking about Lea growing up so fast. Not even once Irina or even Cristian came up as a subject, with them wanting to let this topic go and discuss other things, more happy things. After dinner, they put the dishes on the dishwasher and went to the living room, and as soon as she sat on the couch she said:

-So, what was the surprise? - she said with a big smile, Making him smile as well.

-Well nothing much - he shrugged, trying to mess with her -Just the film is finally edited

-What, are you serious? - she squealed with happiness.

-Uhum, we finished it this morning.

-Oh my god can I see it?

-Of course, that is the surprise - he said standing up to get the remote control. Before pressing play, he dimmed the lights and said:

-Are you ready?

-Just press play already - he rolled his eyes laughing and did what he was told. At first they were seating with a amount of distance between them, but 10 minutes later they were already in each other's arms, like a magnet. When her first scene came she couldn't stop the tears from falling from her eyes, and realizing that, Bradley cupped her face and kissed her on the cheek. This is it, she thought. The moment she waited for her entire life finally arrived: she was in a movie, as the lead actress. She couldn't believe it. If someone told kid Stefani that twenty years later she would be the lead actress on a movie with A-list actors, she would have laughed at your face. But now here she was, in the arms of the man she loved, literally watching her dream come true.

Soon the love scene came and Stefani Immediately looked at his eyes. Memories from that day came to her mind, of times where she didn't know she was in love with him, but certainly felt something strong in her chest. On that scene it was the first time they had done a kissing scene for so long, and she fucking loved it. She remembered feeling a little guilty for liking it so much, but every time she was in his presence those feelings vanished, and on it's place was just love and admiration.

An hour later, after much tears, came the suicide scene, and Bradley could feel her getting tense in his arms. She remembered how sensitive she was on the day of shooting that scene, and a lump formed on her throat, anticipating what was coming next.

On the last scene of the movie, memories of that day with Sonja came back to her and she started to silently cry. She missed her friend so much. Bradley realizing that hugged her thighter, if that was even possible. When the movie was finally over, she got out of his embrace and said, looking deep into his eyes:

-It's awesome Bradley, simply incredible.

-It's all thanks to you - he simply said.

-Oh stop, I know is not true - she gave a little laugh.

-There would be no movie without you Stefani. *You* made this possible. I don't know what I would do without you - he let out a breath, and she put her hand on the side of his face, caressing it.

-I know I've said this countless times before but, thank you for making my dream come true.

He hugged her once again, and stayed there in each other's arms, talking about the life changing experience that was making this movie.

Two hours later, she said that she should go home, and at the same time she said this she saw the hurt on his face, but she couldn't do nothing about it, she had to go home to avoid that anything else happened. Although she wanted more than anything to stay, she mustered all the strength she had and with a kiss on his cheek, went to her house and left him alone.

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