I'm falling

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It was two days later and pretty much nothing happened. The scenes that were shot were just a few, mostly between Lady gaga and Antony Ramos and Bradley and Sam Eliot and in the meantime, Bradley would spend time at home taking care of Irina and lea. He had hired a babysitter that would take care of lea and also help Irina with some things, so Bradley's Working schedule could go back to normal.

Stefani on the other hand, had spend this couple days mostly at her house, cause her body pain was becoming unbearable. She was feeling pain everywhere on her body, and it would only go away for an hour or so when she took her meds. It was not easy for her to deal with this, specially when Cristian was out traveling and she didn't want to bother her friends with her problems. So she would stay in bed or at the couch with her dogs making her company and occasionally a few cigarettes were thrown in the mix as well.

It was now Monday morning and she was feeling a lot better, with just some minor pains that she had learnt to deal with along the years, nothing too big. She was now on set talking to bradley while sitting on a couch, about to shoot the dog scene. They were just waiting for the puppy to arrive and in the meanwhile they were talking about how everything was going on with lea. Hearing him speak so dearly about his daughter made her wish for kids even more. There was nothing she wanted more than to to build a family of her own, but she was just too scared of the pregnancy. She didn't know what her hip injury and fibromyalgia could do to the baby, so for now she would have go just keep this as a dream and not a reality.

Soon the puppy arrived and they started to shoot the scene. Bradley was holding de dog while Stefani was leaning against him and interacting with the dog. While they were doing their lines and looking at each other, Stefani felt a sudden pain on her hip, that radiated pain through get legs and her feet. She immediately closed her eyes when she felt it but forced them open again, to try and pretend that everything was ok. When she said the next line her voice cracked and Bradley seeing her sudden change immediately yelled "Cut" and with a hand on her arm she said:

-Stef, what's wrong? - he had worry in his blue eyes.

-N-Nothing - just as she was saying that, pain radiated once again thought her body making a tear drop involuntarily fall through her face. Bradley catched her tear on his finger and caressed her cheek saying:

-Stef, you're worrying me, what's going on? - he said conserned.

-I'm in so much pain... I can't move - she said looking away, embarrassed.

Bradley said to the camera men:

-Let's take a break guys, I'll inform you when to get back - with that being said slowly people started to get out of the room, leaving practically Stefani and Bradley alone.

-Hey, come here - he said putting the dog down and carefully putting his arms around her, and when he did she rested her head on his chest with her eyes closed. He gently rubbed her back and said:

-Is there something I can do?

-Honestly, there isn't... It will pass sometime soon - as she said that he moved his hand and put it on her hair, caressing it.

-Do you wanna go to your trailer? To get more comfortable? - she just nodded against his chest and then he slowly stood up and helped her up as well. She put her arms around his waist and he put his on her shoulders. They went slowly walking to her trailer, while getting a few curious and conserned looks on the way there.

Bradley placed her on the bed and when he was about to get up, she without realizing grabbed his arm pulled him to the bed, so he was laying next to her. She usually didn't want anyone around while she was dealing with this amount of pain, she even felt embarrassed sometimes, but somehow with Bradley's presence she knew that she would be alright, that having him by her side would help her get through it.

He pulled her to his chest and loosely placed an arm on her shoulder and the other one on her hip, giving her comfort and showing support. She put her hand on the curve of his neck and closed her eyes, praying for the pain to go away. She was glad brad wasn't saying much, that he was giving her space but at the same time was there supporting her. It made it easier to deal with the pain.

He started rubbing up and down her back and with time she stopped crying and could move her body again almost without feeling pain. This took 20 minutes, when she finally broke the silence and said:

-I'm feeling much better now - she said lifting her head from his shoulder and looking him in the eye.

-Oh thank God you're feeling better! - he said and hugged her tight

-It hurts me seeing you like that - he said in their embrace and when they pulled away she put one hand on his stubbly cheek and gently caressed it.

-Thank you so much Bradley, you really helped me - he gave her a small smile

-Glad I could help somehow. If you ever need something, you can count on me, you know that right?

-I know, the same thing applies to you - she said staring at the blue ocean in front of her. They stayed like that looking into each others eyes until he cleared his throat and said:

-I better get back now, to direct the other scenes. Don't worry with the one we were shooting, we can do it tomorrow. You stay here and rest - he said and stood up.

-No, a can go back there and shoot, I'm fine - she said mentioning to get up, but Bradley stopped her by putting a hand oj her shoulder

-Really, you don't have to. Stay resting until you feel a hundred percent, I'll come back here as soon as I finish with the scenes - he said and caressed her cheek

-Ok, thank you again Brad - he smiled and went to the door, he gave her a wink before stepping out of the trailer, and she smiled at how cute and thoughtful he was.

She took a quick hot shower to ease the pain on her muscles and took a nap on her bed and when she woke up, she was feeling as good as new. This is what she hated about this disease, one moment she was fine and on the other she was feeling excruciating pain all over her body.

As Bradley had said to her, he came back to her trailer to check up on her and they stayed talking on her couch for a few minutes after walking side by side to the parking lot to go home. Their cars were parked next to each other, so when they got there Bradley turned to her and hugged her tight, and when they parted ways he stayed in his car watching her drive away, hoping someday to be the one she would come home to.

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