I gotta let you go

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Hi guys, I'm posting a chapter earlier because it's very short. Please don't kill me after reading, I appreciate it ;)

  As soon as he left her room she opened her eyes and felt an urge go go after him and tell him to stay and spend the night with her. Being in his arms was so comfortable and safe that she didn't want to have to live without it anymore. Somehow sharing those moments with him were way different then on set, where they were Ally and Jack. Being Stefani and Bradley made her feel that was a tiny possibly that he could feel the same, that maybe he also had feelings for her. "But what is it that I feel?" She didn't know the answer to that question. "Don't be stupid" she thought "Look at his girlfriend, she's fucking gorgeous. He probably doesn't even look at you" that thought made her sad, so she turned on the bed and closed her eyes again trying to sleep, despite de tight feeling in her chest and the lump on her throat.

  Without realizing it, the days went by so fast that she was about to shoot the last two scenes with her hair brown. She would have to paint her hair ginger and then brown again for the  last scene of the movie, she preferred it that way.

   The first scene of the day was the zip line one and the last one was the parking lot, that would have to be shot on location and at night. She was ready and they started the scene. She went on the zip line and then Bradley caught her in his arms, and when he did that the little wooden thing she was sitting snapped and hit them both on the head, making them laugh and she hugged him while laughing. It was on that moment of joy that she knew: she was falling in love for her co-star. That realization made her sad, happy and scared all at once.

  He gently put her down but she kept her arms around his neck, and he put a strand of her hair behind her ear, caressing her cheek on the way.

   They sadly had to part ways and he went behind the cameras, and Stefani felt an urge to pull him back to her and hug him thigh and never let go. "Stefani, control yourself, you have Cristian, don't forget that" she thought. Cristian. Since he got back from his trip he was acting a little different, he was more touchy feely and wanted to know where she was and what she was doing at all times, and that was starting to creep her out. If she remembered correctly, he started acting different even before his trip, it was the day he first met Bradley. Was he jealous? No it couldn't be, there was nothing there to get jealous for, or there is?

  Bradley when he watched the scene on the computer decided they weren't going to do the scene again because it was so spontaneous and funny that he decided to leave it like that. So he went to his trailer to change.

   Stefani put her thoughts aside and went to shoot another scenes. When the night time came they went to the supermarket and when everything was ready, they started to shoot again. In-between shots, instead of Bradley and Stefani get up and go do something, they stayed siting on the side walk just talking, while his arm was around her and she occasionally laughed out loud at his silly jokes. They didn't feel the need to be anywhere else, being there in each other's arms even if for just minutes, were enough for them to feel butterflies at their stomach and a warm feeling in their hearts.

   Stefani went home with Cristian, and that made him a bit angry. It was though to admit it, but he knew he had just one thing he could do to make things right: although it hurt,he would have to stay away from Stefani. His feelings were becoming to strong to bare, and he was almost sure she doesn't feel the same about him, she seems happy with her fiancee. So the best thing would be to get away from her, and maybe that will help this feeling that's in his chest to go away, for him to not think about her that way. It would hurt so much to not talk to her everyday, to not hear her laugh or see her smile directly at him, to see the glow on her face whenever she talks to him, but that was the price to pay for falling in love with someone that you can't have.



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