Everything will be alright

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The next day came and Lady Gaga was already at the studio, along with Lukas and they were just waiting for Bradley to come. Lukas told her it was a bit strange that Bradley was late, because he worked with him before and he was never ever late.

  The two of them started brainstorming songs while waiting for him to arrive. Twenty minutes later, a serious Bradley Cooper walks in the studio and and a simple "Hello" to everyone and gave Gaga a small smile, that she right away noticed it was a fake one. He said something about the traffic being too crazy and apologiezed.

   He then sits in-between the two of them and when Lukas looks down to the guitar in his hands, Gaga puts her hand on top of Bradley's that were on his legs and says, immediately catching his attention.

   -Are you okay? - she asked with a conserned look.

   -Yeah yeah I'm fine, just a bit sleepy, that's all - he said, but somehow Stefani knew that was a lie. Something was up and she was a little worried, because the Bradley that is sitting right beside her with a frown was not the same Bradley that in the day before was hugging her and smiling. She decided not to say anything else because they weren't that close and because they were in a work environment.

  Lukas started playing some chords on the guitar while Gaga sang some random phrases and words, trying to create a melody. After one hour, they already got down one verse and the begging of a chourse. Bradley was just giving his opinion on things, but the actual songwriting part was all on Gaga and Lukas.

   They were thinking of chords that would fit the lyrics they created and decided to call it a day, after three hours of session.

   Bradley a minute after they were done said a politely goodbye to everyone and left the room, saying he would see them tomorrow. Lady Gaga gathered her things on her purse and said "bye" to Lukas, going after Bradley.
   She went through some halls and found him on the lounge talking to someone on the phone, he seemed very angry.

   -I know what you said, but you can't just do that to me, to us! - he was trying really hard to keep his voice as low as possible. Gaga was now hidden behind a wall so he could not see she was listening. It was wrong, she knew it, but she just couldn't help it.

    -Think about Lea, if you don't think about me at least think about her! - he run a hand through his hair, walking from one side to the other.

    -Alright... ALRIGHT! - he screamed and that scared the hell out of Gaga. Stefani has known him for just a couple of months, but never once she heard him raise him voice, let alone scream at someone. By now she knew who he was talking to, it was his girlfriend Irina, and for the looks of it it seemed their relationship was on the fence.

   He ends the call and turns around to find lady Gaga at the hall, looking at him, that made him really pissed off. Without thinking, he said:

   -What are you doing here? - he screamed at her, when in reality it wasn't his intention at all.

  She saw that he was tearing up so she decided to walk to him. He lowered his head avoiding eye contact but she went to him anyway, got on her tipy toes and put her arms around his neck hugging him tight. At the beginning he didn't big her back, just stood there staring the wall, but when he felt her lips so close to his neck saying "Everything will be alright", he cave in and put his arms around her hugging her tight as well and allowing himself to cry on her shoulder. The truth was that on that morning, Irina was very serious and had a talk to him. She said that their relationship wasn't going so good as it used to be and that she doesn't love him anymore and that she was living him. Bradley was completely shocked, he definitely did not see that coming. He thought their relationship was going great, that everything seemed just as it was supposed to be, but apparently not.

  Now he was in the arms of Stefani crying and all he could think about was how much of an asshole he was screaming at her.

  Lady Gaga was really moved with the scene. In all her life, she only saw a man cry once, it was her best friend at the time, but never saw it again. She always found it ridiculous this thing that society has that men cannot cry no matter what happens, that they have to be the strong one, she thinks this is bullshit. But now, with a crying Bradley in his arms, the appreciation and admiration she had for him only grew larger.

   They stayed hugging like that for song long that Bradley stopped crying, and was the one who pulled away.

   -I-I'm sorry - he said - I'm not normally like this - the hug ended but they were still close.

   -Why are you apologizing for?

   -For screaming at you

   -Oh Bradley - she said caressing his face - You have nothing to apologise for - there was a minute of silence - Wanna tell me what happened? - she pulled her hand away.

   -Yeah but, not now... I gotta go home figure some things out - he said taking a step back

   -Okay, text me when you get home tho, you can don't seem fit for driving right now

   -I will - he said more far away from her

   -See you tomorrow Stef, thank you... For today - and with that, he left the building leaving Gaga alone with her thoughts.


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