You have a piece of my heart

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Hi guys, I'm sorry for being so inactive lately, but I'm pretty busy this days with college and stuff. I promise I won't stop uploading new chapters, it might just take longer for me to do it. Hope you understand. 😘😘

When Stefani gets home, Cristian is already there waiting for her.

  -Where the fuck were you? - he said standing up and coming to her.

  -I was at a friend's house - she simply said, still angry at him for his behavior the night before.

   -Was that friend perhaps bradley?

   -You don't need to know - she snapped at him.

   -Why am I even asking, of course you spent the night with him - she didn't say anything, what could she say?

   -Listen, we need to talk - he then said - I can't keep doing this anymore - he pointed between them - It seems like you changed, you're not the same Stefani that I met, and it's obvious that you don't love me anymore. So I want to end things Stefani, I want to end our engagement.

   -You what?! - she kind of knew this was coming, but to hear him say it did things to her. Of course she didn't love him anymore, but she was still fond of him, after all they were getting married. "Oh my God" she thought "What am I gonna do now? What do I tell the media? What my fans and family are gonna think about me?" All those thoughts came to her at the same time, and she felt a thightning in her chest and a lump forming in her throat. "I can't be alone again" she thought when a tear escaped her eyes.

   -I already packed my things, I'm leaving Stefani- he said, coldly. He picked his bag and went to the door.

    -I think it's for the best if we don't say anything to the media, at least for now - he said and she just nodded, unable to say anything else.

    Before leaving, he turned around and said: -Have a good life with that bastard. You two fucking belong together - he said and left the house, leaving Stefani behind, crying. She managed to go to her room and crawled up on the bed, where she stayed for the rest of the day. She didn't know what to do with her life now that he was gone. She wasn't going to get married anymore, her future was unsure and she was left alone one more time. That last thing was what was actually making a number on her. She hated being alone, when she was alone she started to doubt herself and her capabilities as a singer, she let the demons of her past come back and she felt insecure all over again. That's why she always jumped from boyfriend to boyfriend, that way she didn't have to stay alone. But now, not even that she couldn't do anymore. The thought of being with another man that wasn't bradley didn't seem right, felt like cheating, so she would have to stand the fact that for now, she was all by herself.

  When the night time came and Stefani didn't call bradley as she said she would, he got worried that Cristian might have done something to her so at 9 PM he decided to call her. It took a while for her to answer, approximately 3 minutes, but when she answered him, he was surprised by her voice.

   -Hi Brad - she said with her voice low, and he soon realized something was not right.

   -Hey Stef, what's wrong? - he had worry in his voice. She didn't answer, and he said: -Can I come over?

   -You wanna come over now? It's kinda late don't you think? - she didn't want to be that harsh, she did want to see him, but it would make her more sad to see him, like she saw what she could have but was unreachable to her.

   -Yeah I do, you got me worried

   -Ok then, see you and a bit - she hang up, and that only made him think something was horribly wrong. On the phone call she seemed so distant and sad, making him think cristian did something. In five minutes he was ready and went to Stefani's house. Twenty minutes later he was already ringing her doorbell. She didn't took long to answer him, and when she did, she said a sad:

   -Hey B

   -Hey, are you okay? - he said bending down and hugging her tight.

   -Not really - she said still in his arms.

   -Oh Stef, what happened? - bradley asked as they got in and went to sit on the couch.

   -Long story short... Christian and I broke up.

    "Am I really hearing that?" He thought. There were times he kept wondering what it would be like if she was single again. Would he leave Irina? Would they still talk to each other and be friends? He didn't know the answers to that question then and he surely doesn't know the answers now. One thing he knew: she was now single, and the fact that he couldn't be with her but every other men could was like a knife in his chest.

    -I'm sorry Stef - he mustered to say, taking her hand in his.

    -Are you really?

    -Of course I am, I mean.. although I didn't like it, you two were getting married. A change like that is a lot to take - he said, a little worried that she might have feelings for him.

    -A hell of a change - she sighed, while a tear rolled down her face. Bradley sat closer to her and put his arms around her shoulder, bringing Stefani to his chest.

   -I don't know what to do now. I'm... I'm alone, again

   -You're not alone Stef, I'm here, I'll never leave you - he caressed her hair with his free hand.

    -Someday you will Brad. It's inevitable - she started to silently cry again, thinking that one day bradley might not be there everytime she needed him, he would be with his family, being happy without her.

    -That doesn't matter Stef, a piece of my heart will always belong to you, no matter what - they didn't say anything, just shared a loving look, that said everything they weren't able to put in words.

    A few minutes later Stefani convinced bradley to spend the night with her again, and that's what they did. They slept in each other's arms and when the morning came, bradley say goodbye to Stefani and went home, even when he wanted to spend the rest of the day by her side. When he got home, he opened the door and when he turned around to put his keys on the bowl that was on the side of the door, he saw that was another set of keys in there. Irina .He turned around and saw her sitting on the couch, waiting for him.

   -Where were you bradley? Did you spend the night out? - he froze and didn't know what to say.

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