Instant connection

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|Hi guys, here I am with another chapter. Thank you so much for reading and liking this story, it means so much to me. Tell me in the comments what you guys are thinking about the story and if you have any suggestions, feel free to comment ;)|

  The first thing Bradley does when he gets home is text Stefani saying he got home safely. After that he goes to his couch and leaves a series of messages to Irina, asking where she is, if she's ok and when she's coming back, if she's coming back he thought. The thought of loosing her scared him, she was the mother of his unborn daughter for God's sake, he know they hadn't been dating for so long, but it was long enough to create a strong and loving bond with her, and to break that bond now out of the blue would not be a easy thing to do.

   Trying to keep his mind out of it,he goes to the kitchen and eats something, the goes to watch the news on TV. An hour later, his phone rings and he immediately grabs it. Seeing it was a message from Irina, he unlocked the phone and read it:

   "I'm ok, I'm at my mom's house. I think we need to talk, can I come over tonight?"

  He let out a breath and quickly typed:

  "Yes you can come, see you tonight"

   He didn't write anything else, was too angry to do so. With what took like an eternity, a few hours later there was a doorbell ring. He opened the door to a very serious Irina. They said hello to each other and she got in and sat on the couch. There was a moment of silence, with both of them not really knowing what to say, but eventually Irina spoke:

   -I want to apologise for what a said, I overreacted. I wasn't thinking about our daughter - she put a hand on her baby bump -If it's ok with you I would like to go back to the way things were

   -W-why the sudden change? - was all Bradley could say

   -Everything I said is true Bradley, but we gotta stay together for Lea's sake
   -Just for Lea? What about me? - his voice cracked

   -I'm sorry, but there's not a easy way to say this, I just don't love you anymore

   -But I thought we were doing great, that everything was good between us

   -I know you did, but it wasn't like that for me, I'm sorry

   -So what are you saying, that we'll still be together even with you not loving me anymore? - it hurt him to say that

   -If you agree, yes. It'll be more like a friendship, this way Lea will be able to grow up with both her parents by her side - she concluded

   Bradley took a moment to think. There was nothing else he could do but accept her deal. It was the better solution, at least this way they would still be together somehow and Lea will have both her parents by her side. It's a great plan, he thought. "But what if I don't want to be with her anymore" this thought crossed his mind for a second and he was surprised by it, not knowing where the hell it came from. She wants to be with Irina, really wants. Right. Right?
  -That's alright by me - he finally says - If it's the only solution it's fine by me
  -I'm afraid it's the only solution

  -Ok then, it's decided.

  For a while they barely talked, but after a few hours they started speaking to each other and it was established that Irina would sleep in one of the guest bedrooms of the house leaving Bradley with the presidential suite.


  On the next day, Bradley was more calm and more relaxed, seeing that everything was kinda of settled between him and his "girlfriend". He decided to go a little bit earlier to the studio to try and write some stuff down,since he practically didn't help at all the day before, but to his surprise, Stefani apparently had the same idea as him, because there she was sitting on a chair, with her legs under her and her hair falling on her face in a adorable way.
   He just stood there for a few seconds looking at her, thinking that this was the most beautiful he has ever seen her. He decided to make himself noticeble so he clears his throat and walking in, wich caught her attention and she looked up saying:

   -Oh, hi! Didn't even see you there - she sat properly on the chair now, with her feet on the floor.

  -I just got here tho - he said and sat on a chair beside her, but not without kissing her check hello.

  -Are you feeling better? - she asked referring to the day before, when he was a bit angry.

  -Yeah, it's just... Me and Irina had a falling out - she was surprised he revealed this information to her. He doesn't know why he said that also, but something about her made him feel so safe and comfortable and somehow he just knew that he could trust her with his most deep secrets, that she won't judge him or tell anyone about it.

  -Gosh, what happened?

  -She out of the blue told me that she doesn't love me anymore and that she wanted us to split. But we talked and we came to a conclusion that it's for the best if we stay together, for our daughter's sake.

  -And how do you feel about this, do you... Still love her? - as soon as she asked that she regreted "Of course he loves her, they are dating and are going to have a daughter together, what a stupid question Stefani" she thought to herself.

  -If I'm being honest, I don't even know. I just...feel like I'm numb, like I fee something for her but that something is just not enough... I don't even know what I'm feeling anymore - he gave a sarcastic laugh and shook his head.

  -Hey, you'll figure it out - she said trying to look at him in the eye -Everything will soon fall into place, you'll see - she said and put one hand on his shoulder, showing support.

  -Thank you stef, for being a friend when I need the most.

  -Of course, you can always count on me. I just... Don't get me wrong, but since the day you showed up at my house I felt an instant connection with you, like we were meant to meet you know? - she said, taking her hand out of his shoulder.

  -I know, I felt exactly the same way... it's odd isn't it? - he said with a smile

  -It is - she smiled as well - But I'm glad it happend tho

  -Me too - by now they were just staring at each other's eyes, but were interrupted by Luka's voice saying:

  -Hi guys, good morning!

  To be continued...

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