The Grammys

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    "Hi, I'm just texting you to say that at the Grammys I'm not going to wear the engagement ring. Wanted to tell you before you found out through the media.


Stefani sent that text to Cristian and went back to trying on dresses for the Grammys. She had talked to Bradley and they decided that Stefani was going to stay for the Grammys and he would fly to the UK for the BAFTA'S. Stefani also decided to not wear her engagement ring anymore and let the media know once and for all that she was done with Cristian. Bradley supported her decision and was actually more than happy to hear that finally Stefani was going to be officially single. Now all that had to be done in order for them to stay together was Bradley breaking up with Irina, and that's when the hard part came. He can't leave Irina, he needs his family to stay together, but at the same time he wants to be with stefani. He honestly doesn't know what to do.

The day of the Grammys came and Stefani was so excited! Her performance was making everyone talk in the backstage and that put a huge smile on her face. By the end of the night, A Star is Born and herself had won in total 3 Grammys, and although she was beaming with happiness, her heart was aching a little, and the reason for that was the fact that Bradley was not there with her sharing all those good moments with her, instead he was in London. At least it was for a good reason.

She was able to get to her phone at one time and all she could see were messages from her mother, Natalie and her fans, all talking about the fact that she walked the carpet ring-less. She sighed thinking "I'm gonna deal with this later" and put her phone away, enjoying the night.

When she got home, she texted her family explaining everything, telling them that she was alright and that they didn't have to worry, that she was better off without Cristian. Seeing it was late at night, she didn't got any reply, but her phone rang with a text, making her heart skip a beat.

     " Hey Stef, I heard about the Grammys, congratulations! Can't believe that now I can call myself a Grammy award winner hahah. Anyway, I'm texting you to say that we won at the BAFTA'S too!! I'm so excited, can't wait to come home so we can celebrate 😉. Sorry I didn't call, I think it's late there right now. Sleep well my love, see you in two days
          Bradley "

She immediately smiled. He always had that effect on her, no matter what was going on with her life, he never failed to put a smile on her face.

" I'm so happy we won!! Wished you were there with me tonight so we could sing together, I think you're gonna have to make it up for me later hahaha ;) Can't wait for you to come back so we can celebrate.
Sleep well B!
               Stefani "

She texted that and put her phone away, going to her bathroom to take a shower. That night she slept with a smile on her face and a warm feeling in her heart, thinking that the only thing that was missing was having Bradley by her side.

Two days later, Stefani was in her house with butterflies on her stomach, just waiting for Bradley to arrive. They talked the last couple of days and she could feel how much he actually missed her, and that acknowledgement was doing things to her. While she was waiting for him, she was messing on her phone, and at Instagram is where she saw more rumors and fake new about her. People were saying some nasty things about her break up, and some even were saying that it had something to do with Bradley, and that they might be having an affair. She sighed and decided to not let this bad energy ruin her day ahead of her, so she put the phone on the couch, stood up and went to play with her dogs. Ten minutes later, she heard the doorbell ring, and almost ran to the door. Opening, she said:

-Hi there, mister Grammy award winner - she had a big smile on her face that only made Bradley smile as well.

-Hi beautiful - he said and put his arms around her body, lifting her off the ground in a thight hug.

-How was your flight? - she said, once out of the embrace but still in his arms.

-It was alright, it went by pretty slowly actually, just because I wanted to see you as fast as possible the time didn't seem to pass at all

-But now you're here, c'mon, let me get us both some wine.

While she was in the kitchen, he sat on the couch and saw that her phone was on the couch, unlocked, so he came closer to it and saw that it was open on an article, that said that the reason Gaga broke up with Carino was because of him, and Bradley didn't know what to do with that information. He doesn't like seeing his name on the tabloids, specially when the news are fake. But was it fake tho? He knew he and Stefani broke up because he was becoming manipulative and was being so rude to her, but there are any truth to those rumors, he doesn't know.

-What ya doing there boy? - she came back to the living room with two glasses and gave one to Bradley and sat down next to him.

-Sorry to be looking through your phone, is just that it was open on a article that had my face on it and... - she cut him off by saying:

-It's okay brad, don't worry about it - she laughed a bit -It's kinda true tho - she said

-What is? - he was confused.

-The article, it's true. One part of me broke up with Cristian because of you.


-Of course, before Cristian started saying shit to me, I already had feelings for you

He was happy but at the same time sad by her statement.

-So I'm sorry I was one of the reasons for you to break up with him

-Oh stop it Bradley, you and I both know it was for the best, and besides, look at me now, I'm so much better without him

-That I have to agree on - he said and kissed her cheek, almost catching the side of her mouth.

-Now, let's celebrate! - she touched her glass to his, and after that, they talked for hours on end, while sipping on wine and being in each other's arms.

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