Is it the right thing?

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Hii guys, I'm back again with another chapter! Tell me in the comments what y'all are thinking ✨

Bradley sits in his living room with his baby on the stroller thinking if he's doing the right thing. Irina was ok with his feelings for Stefani and was not mad about it, they were even talking about breaking up so Bradley could finally he with Gaga, since between him and irina wasn't love anymore, but it all changed when she was on the computer one day and found articles about Stefani's alcohol and drug abuse. It didn't even cross his mind that it was gonna be an issue, but apparently it was a big one to irina. After finding it out, she told Bradley that she didn't want her baby near Gaga anymore, and since they decided to break up in friendly terms,it wasn't that friendly anymore because it applied that she wanted the full custody of Lea, and she was only giving him jointed custody if he promised he would never talk to Gaga anymore, just to keep baby Lea away from her.

Bradley didn't know what to do. Lea was his daughter, he couldn't be away from her, he was her dad! But at the same time he couldn't afford not seeing Stefani for a long time, maybe even forever, she is the love of his life for God's sake. He felt he was in a trap, but deep down, he knows what's the right thing to do: he has to stop seeing Stefani if he wants to keep his daughter with him. It hurts to admit it, hurts to let the love of your life go like that, but is something he has to do, he just has to. So that's why Bradley stopped answering her calls and her messages. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt Stefani, but he just couldn't tell her the truth, if he did, he knows she would not accept it and would wanna talk to irina about it, and it would only make things worse.

So that's why he's sitting on his couch now, looking between Lea and his phone buzzing with Stefani's call. He reaches his phone and ends the call, putting it down and picking up his baby, trying to think that he made the right choice, even when his heart was being torn apart in his chest.


It was now a couple of days later and Gaga was sitting on a dressing room about to go to the Jimmy Kimmel show. She was doing a interview about the Oscars and everything that happened, and she had to admit, she was a bit nervous about the Bradley related questions he was gonna make. Taking a deep breath, she looks at her phone one last time in home to see if she has any missed calls from him or even a single text. Nothing. Stefani puts her mixed feelings aside and stands up, leaves the room and goes to the side of the set, waiting for her turn to go do the interview.

She walks in and everybody cheers, putting a smile on her face. She says hello to Jimmy and sits on the couch next to him and the interview begins. The beginning was very light, with them joking around about the Oscars statue and everything. He asks her what it was like to win. Gaga gives a little speech about how she was truly happy and thrilled, and how it affected her career, making her the proudest she has ever been. Everything was going well until Jimmy says the one thing she was dreading:

-...People started saying "Oh they must be in love"

At this comment the only thing she did was to role her eyes and take a deep breath. She was pissed at Bradley for ignoring her all those days, she was really mad at him for not responding. Did he not care or was she not that important to him that he could just ignore and she would go away? I mean, c'mon, after all they've been through she doesn't get even a "Hello how are you" from him? She thought she meant something to him, well, she was wrong.

-Ok first of all, social media quiete frankly is the toilet of the internet - and to top that off, she had to listen to people say horrible things to her about her intimate performance? Fuck this, she thought.

-Yes, people saw love, and guess what, that's what we wanted you to see - she continues - Shallow is a love song, the movie a star is born is a love story and bradley, Bradley directed the film and he directed the performance, and everything that you saw was days of hard work, and for a performance, it was important for us that we were connected the entire time... When you're singing a love song, that's what you want people to see... - she trails off, not really knowing why she said that. Was everything she had with bradley just a projection of their characters? No it couldn't be. But if it wasn't, why hadn't he reached out to her when all of it was over? Was he using her to promote the movie and when it was over he was done with her? She doesn't want to think he had courage to do something like that, but it was not like he was there to defend himself right? She didn't really know what to think of all of this, but one thing she is sure: she has to find a way to burry all her feelings inside her and keep it to herself. It was going to be hard, the hardest thing she ever done in her life, but that was much needed.

After a while, she says:

-I'm an artist, I think we did a good job... Fooled ya - she laughs along with the whole studio. Because she's an actress, she can pull things off like that easily and hide her real feelings. It was a blessing and a curse. The rest of the interview goes smoothly, with Jimmy asking a few more questions about the movie and at the end of it, Stefani receives a beautiful frame from a star is born, really thoughtful, and she takes it home with her that evening.

Getting home, she goes straight to her bathroom to take a bath, and while she does it, holding back tears, she makes a promise to herself that she'll never ever cry over a man ever again. She deserves more than being treated like that, and although it hurts admitting it, she deserves someone better than Bradley, at least it's what she tries to convince herself, with tears in her eyes.

I think you're beautifulजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें