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Hi guys! Sorry if there are some wrong facts in this chapter, I'm just not sure of everything that happened. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!

     A couple of weeks has passed and now Bradley and Gaga were on a plane to Venice, alongside Sarah and other members of Gaga's team. Irina and cristian were going to come in a other plane, because of their busy schedules. Tomorrow was the day of the begging of the press tour, and at night, was the movie premier. They both couldn't be happier about it. What had Bradley smiling throughout the flight was the fact that for his debut as a director, his lead actress was Stefani. He was now sure he couldn't have done the film without her, and to have the chance to work alongside her for months and being able to learn from her, was an amazing experience.

The plane had finally landed and they went to the hotel. Their rooms were alongside each other, the same thing applied to the other actors. The first thing Stefani did when she closed her room door was to take a long and hot bath. She was experiencing some physical pain and in order to it not getting worse, she needed to rest. While laying in the tub, she kept thinking about everything that was happened at the flight: Stefani's hand on his knee, his arm around her, her head against his chest, all of this while they were not alone. This was a new experience for them, being touchy feely among other people, but was a feeling Stefani knew she could easily get used to, but unfortunately she couldn't. Speaking of it, she looked down and saw her engagement ring. She was still wearing it to not create drama and for the gossip magazines not to go crazy over her split. She had been kinda hiding it from Bradley, because she thought it would maybe hurt him, seeing now that she was single but still wearing her engagement ring.

She sighed and tried to focus on the interviews she would have to give this afternoon and on the big premier. She was afraid they were gonna ask something about Cristian, about their wedding and stuff, but they agreed to not tell the media right now, to make a fuss at this moment would be a stupid idea.

When she got out of the tub, with just a towel, she heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" She said trying to look for some clothes.

"It's me" she could tell his voice apart from everyone else. It was Bradley.

"Oh, come in" she decided to let him, it was nothing he hadn't seen already, right?

"Looks like someone forgot to pack for clothes" he laughed a bit

"Ha ha funny" she said in a sarcastic voice, but then smiled.

"You can wait here, I'll just go to the bathroom and change"

"Oh, don't mind me, this view is perfect for me" he joked. She rolled her eyes, going to the bathroom.

"You know I can tell you're rolling your eyes, right?"

"Damn you Cooper" she let out a laugh and closed the bathroom door.

Two minutes later she came back and he was sitting on the bed, messing on his phone.

"So, what's up?" She sat next to him on the bed.

"Oh nothing much, just wanted to see you"

"You're sweet" she leaned in and kissed him in the cheek.

"I'm so tired, do you wanna sleep in here since you're already in here?" She said and he smiled, and she realized what he was up to.

"That was your plan wasn't it?" She playfully hit him in the arm.

"I'm not saying a word" he pretended to get serious, but it didn't work out and he smiled.

"Alright, let's go to bed, naughty boy"

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