I Love Me More

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GUYS I'M BACK!!! I was listening to the chromatica remix album and was so pumped that I wanted to write gaga fics again, so here I am!! I know it's been a long while, but this time I'm back for good and with a few more uploads, I'll finish this story. Giving all the time it took me to update this, you guys probably forgot all the details, so feel free to re-read it! So without further ado, let's go to the chapter!!

One week later

Gaga was getting dressed in her room to go to rehearsals. She was so busy this past few days that it was hard to know what she was gonna have to do first. She had planned of opening Haus of Gaga, a little museum for her old costumes, shoes and memorabilia from her concerts and and music videos. She also had in the works a plan to make her own makeup line, Haus Laboratories, that she started planning almost a year ago. And on top of all that was the fact that the Met Gala was going to happen in two weeks, so it was safe to say that she had a lot on her head.

She was now headed to rehearsals for her met gala "performance". It was supposed to be just a normal entrance like everyone else would do. But no, she had to do it different, she was Lady Gaga after all. She had planned with her team and with Ana Wintour that she would have a lot more time than the others to walk the carpet, and Stefani would make a performance out of it.

Looking at herself one last time on the mirror, something catches her eye. Turning around, she sees in one side of the room the present that she got from bradley a week ago. It was so important to her that she decided to hang it on her bedroom wall. It was also the only way that bradley had reached out to her in almost three months. With the frame, came a little note from him, that said:

Happy birthday Stef, wish I could be there with you. I'm sending you the last frame of the movie because it was important for both of us, in different ways. Hope you had a great day.
Love, Bradley

She sighed, thinking about the note that he sent that she had already memorized. "I wish I could be there with you" "With love..". If he wanted to be there with her, so why wasn't he? What was holding him back? Irina, of course. But they were just friends right? He could at least see her, hell, text her. Something was going on and she knew it. But unfortunately, there was nothing she could do about it.
Her last hope was the met gala, because Irina was on the guest list, so it was certain to say that Bradley would be there with her. That's what she was hoping, rooting for.

The rehearsal passed by smoothly and she was very happy with the outcome. Her dresses were spot on, her little scenes that she was going to do with Fred and Sarah were perfect and the dancers were doing a beautiful job. She was confident her entrance was going to be the talk of the evening.

The day of the met gala finally came and Stefani was with butterflies on her stomach. It was good to be nervous, it meant that she cares. She was all ready, with Sarah just giving the finishing touches. Already on the carpet, she felt herself getting nervous again, not only about the entrance, but about the possibility of seeing Bradley again, and let's face it, he was the main reason for her nervousness.

She saw a crew member give her a sign and that meant it was time for her to begin her entrance. She had to admit she had fun, doing it. It was so fun looking at people's faces and see their jaw almost dropping, their smiles and pretty much the chock on their faces. That was something Gaga secretly loved to provoke on people. Everything went down as planned and a few minutes later she was already inside. Since she had a few costume changes, she had to put them back on for a little photo session, so that's what she did. After all that stuff was done, she went inside de venue and sat on her table.

The whole time she was in there, she kept looking discreetly for Bradley, but she never saw him. An hour later she saw Irina and that's when she got her hopes up a bit, but that was for nothing, since he was nowhere to be found. One thought kept going through her head: "Did he not come just to avoid me?" Because let's face it, although it was a big event with a lot of guests, they would have run into each other or even see each other from the afar, and he almost always was by Irina side in events like this, specially one this important, so why he isn't here? Well, just to avoid me, Gaga couldn't help but think that.

The rest of the evening went by okay, she even got on stage at some point and talked to the audience. After that she talked to some people and friends and on the first opportunity she had, went home, she wasn't on the mood to dance and drink, all she wanted a bed and her dogs, that she knew would listen to her problems and be by her side while she couldn't help but cry.

At one point in the night she realized: "why am I crying over someone that doesn't deserve me? If he really cared for me no matter what was happening he would find a way to be by my side, or to at least keep in touch. But no, he just chickened out on the first sight of danger. He doesn't deserve my love" And it's with that thought in mind that she decided she was not gonna suffer over him anymore, she would put her feelings aside and one day, they'll eventually be just memories that once made her feel so good but also so bad, and she'll be able to look at them with appreciation, because it only made her stronger.

So, what did y'all think? Feel free to write me a comment, I'll enjoy reading and replying to them! I would also like to say I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long, but know I had my reasons. I'm just so happy to be back, and I really hope this chapter will be well received, cause it was fun writing again.

Till the next time,

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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