Love hurts

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Stefani drove home that day with a couple off cigarettes as her company, along with the music that played on the radio. Later that night she got a message from her co-star saying that Lea was ok and that everyone was happy. He asked if she wanted to come to the hospital to see his babygirl, and of course her answer was a solid yes. She asked him why they were gonna spend the night at the hospital and Bradley answered it was because of the c-section, but that they had nothing to worry about. She algo got a group message from Bradley saying that the filming for the next day was canceled, so he could spend some time with his family.

   So with that being established, 10 AM on the next morning gaga was making her way through the hospital to see the happy family. A nurse guided her through the halls and left her alone when she got to the final destination.

   She nocked gently on the door and Irina said:

  -Come in! - so Stefani opened the door and when she did, she saw a smile forming on Bradley's face, that immediately stood up and went to her.

   -Hi stef! I'm so glad you came - he said hugging her, maybe a little too tight then he should.

   When they separated she said hello to Irina who was laying on the bed, and the woman just simply said hello with a cold voice so Gaga decided not to go and hug her. She then saw Lea peacefully laying on her little crib on the side of the room and she said:

   -Awwn she's so cute!! - she said going to her and caressing her face -Congratulations you guys, she's so wonderful! - she said looking to Irina and then to Bradley.

   -Can I picked her up?

   -Of course! - Bradley said and so she did.

   -I can't handle her cuteness, it's too much! - she said cradling her while laughing a bit, with Bradley watching her hold his daughter so tenderly in her arms. He couldn't help but think Stefani would make such an amazing mother. She so tender,kind and thoughtful that any kid would be lucky to have her as their mother.

   He then came close to them and caressed his daughter's little head, while Stefani looked at him and smiled. It was at this moment that Irina knew. Laying in bed, looking at the two of them making heart eyes at each other like there was no one else in the room made her realize that they weren't just friends, that there was something going on there. Their chimestry was undeniable, and the way they looked at each other with so much tenderness made Irina feel sick to the stomach. From this moment on she knew her boyfriend had feelings for another woman, and that hurt, even tho they were together just for Lea's sake.

   Stefani stayed in the room for more 20 minutes talking to them, well, mostly to Bradley while Irina was giving attention to Lea who was on her arms.

   When Gaga said she was leaving, she and Bradley stood up and while they hugged goodbye, all he could think of was about their scene the day before, on how it felt to kiss her soft and warm lips and how it felt to have her so close to him.

   -Ok, bye guys, congratulations again. See you tomorrow Bradley - she said opening the door, and before she could close it, she saw Bradley gave her a wink.

    Irina and Bradley went home with lea later on that same day, with doctor's instructions for Irina to stay laying down at all times for a week. With the help of a nurse, they went to the car and drove home, for the first time as a family.

   Lady Gaga spent her day off with Cristian and her friend Sonja, watching films, talking and even going a little bit on the pool. She loved days like this, spending time with people she loved was the best medicine God could ever give her. Although she and Cristian weren't at their best, it was nice to have his presence and company.


    The next morning Bradley went to the set with the biggest smile on his face, and was surrounded by people wanting to see pictures of Lea and hear everything about her. It was the day of the first photoshoot, and they stayed doing that the whole entire day, so that it would be over soon. It was the photoshoot of ally with brown hair and Jackson, hugging, looking at each other and posing for the camera. Gaga was feeling so comfortable being in his arms all day that it was difficult when the time came to separate and to go home. Everyday she could feel that something was changing between her and Bradley. They were spending more and more time together, their hugs were getting more frequent and the exchange of glances was so intense that she felt she could easily get lost on those beautiful blue eyes of his and stay on them forever. And as usual, those kinds of thoughts scared the hell out of her. She was stating to realise she was falling for her co star, and that was something that could not happen. Even if she was ok with what she was feeling, she knows it would never work out between them. Bradley has a girlfriend and now a daughter whom he loves dearly, and he probably never looked at her the way she looked at him. She was sure he never saw her that way, that she was just a good friend and nothing more, and that realization hurts so much.

    When they fineshed the photoshoot Cristian came to pick Stefani up and that's when he met Bradley. The two of them on the outside seemed to get along well, but Stefani knew them so well to see right through it, and the facts were that she saw that Cristian didn't stand Bradley at all, he didn't feel comfortable around her co star, and she could see it was the same thing for Bradley.

   They all said their good-byes and went separately home, but their thoughts were on each other the entire time.


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