Chapter 20: 'My fucking muffin!'

Depuis le début


He didn't say anything, which shocked me. He just looked at me sorrowfully and moved out of the way. I had seen that look too many times this week.

Tony eyed me up. He opened his laptop and turned it around, showing it to me. It showed a clip of me punching the player. I held back a smirk and stood up straight.

"What the fuck is this?"

I sighed. "He was there Tony. He's the reason he's dead. He-"

"I know you're upset and angry and whatever. But I can't have this right now. Our suppliers are pissed off enough as it is. I can't have you doing this. Not right now."

"Yeah I get that bu-"

"Hand over your gun."

"Wait, what?"

"Patrick. Don't make this difficult. Just hand it over."

I shook my head, not believing what I was hearing.

I looked over at Danish. He quickly looked at the floor. Tony tapped his fingers on the table and waited. I took my gun out of my pocket and dropped it on his desk.

"Listen. I will call you when things change. But right now, you need to lay low."

I shook my head and turned around, opening the door. I walked out of his office and out of the shop. I heard Danish follow me.

"Patrick, wait! Fam, I'm tired!"

I got to my car and he placed his hand on the door to stop me from opening it.

"Don't be angry. It will just get worse."

"Fuck off and leave me alone." I spat and moved his hand away. I climbed in the car and started the engine.

I heard him say "I need a muffin." Before I drove off.

Chanel's POV

"What movie should we watch next?" Maddison said, almost whispering.

"You dont have to stay with me. I'm fine." I choked out, pulling the duvet covers even further over my face. She turned to me and smiled. "I love you. I'm going to be here for you. Always."

I managed to crack a half hearted smile, which seemed to satisfy her as she turned back to the TV and put in 'High School Musical 2'.

"Are you hungry? You haven't eaten much."

"I'm fine." I answered, quietly.

"Chanel. I know it's hard. I can't even imagine how you are feeling. I'm so so sorry this happened. But it did. I'm here for you. Please, let me be here for you. You will feel better, I promise."

I looked at her, my eyes filling up.

"I promised Lewis he'd be okay."

She didn't say anything after that and just played the DVD. We watched it for a while before I turned to her. "I need a muffin."

She smiled brightly at me and told me she'd go get me one, but I wanted to come with her and get it myself. She agreed and we jumped in the car, wearing leggings, oversized jumpers and vans.

She turned on the radio and before she could even change the station, two men started talking about a fight that happened on the Chelsea pitch. Between Patrick and another player called Ryan.

I looked at her as she sighed. "He will be okay. He was his best friend."

She nodded and looked at me, sighing once again.

We got to the coffee shop quickly. She wasn't sure if I should go in there alone, after what happened. But I assured her I'd be fine. I pulled £2 out of my purse and got out of the car.

I walked past the alleyway leading to the back of the shop and goosebumps filled my body. I whimpered and quickly kept moving. I walked into the shop and instantly looked to my right, at the table we all sat at whilst we waited for our muffins.

I breathed in and out slowly and made my way to the till. "Can I have a blueberry muffin, please."

"Sorry, love. They are all gone. The guy who normally makes them just left and we just sold the last one."

I was suddenly angry. It felt like the world was against me. I know it was just a muffin but to me, it was so much more.

I heard someone chewing behind me.

I spun around and my eyes met with him. The guy from that night. Patrick's friend, Danish?

He was stood, tall, eating a blueberry muffin.


Eating a what?

My eyes widened as I watched him take another bite of the muffin, looking at me.


He tilted his head before realising something. "You're the girl from- oh my god. Listen I'm sorry abou-"

"You took the last fucking muffin! You twat!"

He looked at the muffin, looked at me, then back at the muffin.

"Shit." He said before he ran out of the shop.

"Oh no you don't! Bitch!"

I sprinted out of the shop, following him.

Maddison's POV

I decided to scroll through some of the news reports about Patrick. I hope he was okay. I heard loud noises from outside. I looked out of the car window.

Seconds later a recognisable guy ran past, holding a half eaten muffin in his hands, screaming like a small child.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. Huh? What just happene-

My thoughts were interrupted by a screaming Chanel, running after the boy. She was holding one of her shoes in her hand, waving it about, before she threw it towards him. She was shouting like a mad woman, "My fucking muffin!"

I blinked a few times.



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