Freddie again burst into our flat for a second time, without a knock. Going on about a party they were going to be throwing down at the club.

"We have it rented with some money we saved up, plus Roger had to sell some of his stuff, without his knowledge... but that's not important. The important part is that we are throwing a party in honor of our long search for a bassist coming to an end! In honor of John!"

"But doesn't he literally hate every social event?.... Well from what I know." I responded.

"Yes he does, but this is a party in honor of him! He'll warm up to it! He's got to!" Freddie said twirling around our coffee table. I laughed as he plopped himself down next to me on the couch.

We ended up playing some scramble when Maggie came home from her shift at the diner up the street.

The party was to be this Friday at 7, and Freddie could not contain his excitement. Freddie adored parties, the whole band seemed to, so I wondered how this John guy would get along with this.

What if by this party they realize that John actually isn't a good fit?

It would be back to nagging on me. I prayed that everything went okay.

Friday came around fast, and there was this weird excited energy in the air. The whole campus was invited. And that was just my school. I'm sure that Brian and Roger invited multiple people from their schools as well. I was excited to meet John, I've heard of him positively for the last three weeks. It was about time I got to meet him.

I was walking on the sidewalk back from my class when I saw Roger running at me at the speed of light.

He stopped just in time not to run me over.

"Roger Taylor what the hell!" I yelled as he caught his breath.

"I've looking for you everywhere!" He said his hands resting on his thighs trying to catch his breath. He stood up pushing his hair out of his eyes. He wiped his hands off on his black jacket.

"You don't even go to this college Roger what the-"

"Well whatever, listen Freddie wanted me to tell you to that we will be getting to the party early to set up, around five."

"Well I can't, I have a shift at the record shop till 6:30, I was gonna tell you I'm probably gonna be late to the party anyway," I said moving my books to my other arm.

Roger sighed.

"I'll let him know, I'll see you later." He said turning around, and then he started running again. Why do I have the feeling he has a class to catch. His campus was across town, not to mention it was winter.

"That man," I whispered under my breath, shaking my head.

I finished my shift and went back to my flat to get ready. I curled my hair, did my makeup more than when I left for school today, wanting to look decently nice. I put bellbottoms jeans on with my brown platform shoes. Along with that, I put on a red flowy shirt.

I left and caught the bus and it took me uptown.

I made my way into the building and could barely get through there were so many people. The music was blaring, the smell of many different types of drugs was in the air.

I had never seen many of these people before. Ever. But they all seemed to be around my age.

People were shouting and laughing. I pushed past people who gave me looks in return. I wanted to let them know that they are the ones out of place, not me.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now