23. How Is She "Rare"?

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Dean walked in the bunker when Cas ran up to him excitedly.

"Dean, I've discovered television!"

Dean smiled. "Okay, what do you want me to watch?"

"It's a little complicated to explain."

"Just give me the basics."

"Okay. It's about six friends with magical powers who use their magic to protect their town from deadly creatures."

Dean was intrigued. "Sweet. What's it called?"

"I can't remember the title exactly, but I'm sure you'd love it!" He beamed. Dean loved it when Cas got overly excited like this. He was like a happy puppy.

"Okay, I'll watch it. Show me the first episode."
Cas wanted it to be a surprise, so he took off his tie and put it around Dean's eyes. They sat down on the couch in front of the TV and Cas turned on Netflix. Once he got the show ready, he untied the tie that covered Dean's eyes.

Dean was lightheaded.

Animated town.

Gay music.

Cartoon ponies.

Son of a bitch.

He had been intrigued by ponies.

"Cas, what the hell?" He muttered.

"I remember now. It's called My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic."


"Cas, this is a show for little nine year old girls."

"I like it. It's quite adventurous."

"Advent--ARE YOU CRAZY?"

"You should give it a chance, Dean. You might like it."

"I sincerely doubt it." Dean mumbled.

._.__.~Two Episodes Later~.__._.

They watched the first two episodes, and Dean was enthralled.

"Hold on, so they're all supposed to represent the Elements of Harmony?"

"I know, intriguing, isn't it?"

"Yeah, and Twilight is like this super, mega big deal. Friggin Element of Magic."

"I think Rarity is my favorite. Except I don't see how she's 'rare' exactly. There seem to be an abundance of unicorns."

"I like Rainbow Dash. She's just awesome. You know, for a pegasus. But I'm not sure what the deal is with Pinkie Pie. She's friggin nuts."

"And I'm rather fond of Rarity's sister, Sweetie Belle. She's quite adorable."

"She's got a sister?"

"Yes. So does Applejack. I like Apple Bloom. And Rainbow Dash has an adoptive sister named Scootaloo."

"Scoota-what now?"

Cas laughed. "You have such a way with words. So, do you like it now?"

"Alright, it pains me to say this, but... it's... AWESOME!" Dean smiled.

"I'm glad you think so. Because we're having a marathon tomorrow."

"No! No, no, no! How about tonight? I wanna have a marathon tonight!"

"It's getting late, we should go to bed."

"Screw sleep. Sleep is for quitters. We can sleep when we're dead. Come on, just the whole first season?"

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