"What's the change of heart?"

He sighed "The mother of my kids died tonight, it's honestly hard to take in"

"Oh so now you care about her because she died? You're full of shit. Where were you when you kicked her out in the cold with your babies? You were probably fucking Nurse Banks trifling ass."

"Tiana I'm hurting right now, you don't think I cared about Amani?"

I responded "You never did! The only reason why your so hurt is because you're gonna have to take care of these kids By Your Self."

After that Dave stayed quiet because he knew I was telling the truth. He never cared about Amani, all he cared about was her taking care of his kids so he wouldn't have to do it himself.

I walked out and went to my room to lay down with Chris.

"Baby you good? I heard everything"

I sighed "I'm fine, I just don't like how Dave is all of a sudden acting like he cares about Amani when he never did"

"I feel you baby"

"So Dee killed Amani?" I asked.

Then Chris began to whisper "Yeah but look before Dee left I was talking to him. I was a little upset that he killed her before me, but I gave a nigga his props. After that he left town"

"So he's not after Dave?"

"He don't give a fuck about Dave. I'm pretty sure he's already out of town, but nobody else knows that but me. Everyone thinks Dee escaped and he's trying to find Dave but that's not the case"

I looked at him and whispered "What about Nurse Banks?"

He raised his eyebrow "What about her?"

"So we just gonna let her...go free?"

"Yeah she hasn't been bothering us, I could care less about her"

I scrunched my face up "So you just gonna let that shit slide for what happened a couple months ago?"

He chuckled "Tiana I've been over that bullshit"

"Well I'm not."

"Baby you gotta let that shit go, if I'm over it you should be too"

One thing I can say that was different from me and Chris was that he never held grudges or stayed mad. Well me, I always hold grudges and I like to get even. I don't care how long it's been, I will never let anything go until I'm satisfied.

I sighed and turned away from him. I don't care what Chris says I'm coming after her, whether he likes it or not.

"Goodnight Chris"

"Baby...I don't want you to be upset, just listen to me for once. Don't mess with Nurse Banks"

I stuck up my middle finger and spoke " Like I Said Goodnight Christopher"

"I'm not gonna let you sleep until you promise me that you won't mess with her"

"Fuck them promises, imma do whatever I want to. I'm a grown ass woman"

Photographer: Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz