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a few years since the last chapter

I love you so much and I miss you more than anybody will ever know. Today is your fifth birthday. I should be celebrating with you, my baby girl, but instead we're worlds apart. I will forever strive to understand why your daddy did the things he did that night. It doesn't matter now. I still get upset when I think about him, a feeling they will forever haunt me, but I've learnt to accept that he was a vile man and that I have to move on with my life as much as I can. I did move on. I met a wonderful man called Joe and we got married. I wish I could've seen you dressed like a princess that day. We had three beautiful children together: your brother and sisters. I love them so much but I can't help but think something's missing when I look at them. You. I wish I could be giving you an amazing day but instead I'm down here, missing you insanely. I know your grandma's up there with you, taking great care of you. I miss her so much too. My two beautiful girls. Happy birthday baby.
Lots of love
Mummy xxx

life after strictly 🌟Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora