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(For my best friend sksksksk)
Today, Casey and I are finally getting to spend some time together. It's been 4 years since we last properly hung out. I'm so excited!

"Hi Di !" She squealed as she walked through my door for the first time.
"Hey Casey." I smiled.
We walked through to the living room and sat on the sofa.
"Hi Tegan." I said before hugging her. She's only been walking for three days and already she's grown so confident.
"Aww Di, I never used to be able to imagine you with kids, you're so cute with her." Casey said.
We're taking Tegan with us today, to get her out of the house.
"We're leaving in five Joe !" I called up the stairs around 10 minutes later.
He walked downstairs and kissed my cheek.
"Don't miss me too much." He smirked.
"I'll try not to." I chuckled.

We arrived at the shops before heading into Primark. We must've spent ages in there as Tegan, who was normally a quiet baby, began to cry.
"I'm gonna head outside to calm her down." I called.
We walked outside and I grabbed Tegan out of her pushchair. I calmed her down and walked inside before checking my phone.

"Where does Tegan want to go next?" I asked her when we'd finally finished in Primark.
She reached out to Costa.
We took her inside and ordered a babyccino and two hot chocolates.

When we sat down, Casey's attention turned to family.
"So Di, d'you want any more ?" She asked, nodding her head at Tegan.
"Honestly, yeah. I've not had a chance to talk to joe about it though, I don't know how." I replied.
"Do you still not want any?" I asked.
"I don't know, they seem like such hard work. I could never picture life as a mom, but at the same time, neither could you and now look at ya." She replied.

She then asked me about dance and what I wanted to do.
"I'm really not sure, l mean, I've not said no to strictly yet, but I'm not sure." I replied.

We went into a few more shops before getting the train home.

"You've been so long !" Joe called as we walked through the door.

Casey was stopping at ours tonight.

We got into bed pretty early. I guess all that shopping had tired me out.

Joe wrapped his arm around me and we both fell straight to sleep.

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