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I was woken up by Dianne, who had a coffee in her hand, waiting for me to wake up. Tegan was already dressed. "Come on Joseph, we've got a plane to catch." She says to me.
"Go get the twins, don't wake them up though, they won't sleep through the flight otherwise."
"Ok mother." I said sarcastically as I dragged myself out of bed. She rolls her eyes at my sarcasm.
I got up and ready before carrying the twins through to our room.

We all went downstairs and I found Tegan a pot of baby food to eat whilst Dianne fed the twins.
"Tegan, do you want to go on holiday?" Dianne asks.
"Yeah." She replies, smiling.
"Andddd do you want to go TODAY?" I add, making her smile broaden further. 
"Well then, we better get ready." Dianne said.
We got the last of the things ready and packed up the car before heading to the airport. We got through security and sat down to have some dinner before struggling to our gate.

"I'm glad it's only three hours as apposed to 17." She chuckled.
Dianne was a little shaky when we took off, just as she always had been. I held her hand to calm her down. It was the best I could do seeing as we were being catapulted upwards into the sky.

As soon as we could stand up, Dianne took Tegan to walk about a little while I took the twins to change. They slept through the start of the flight. I can only hope it's the same for the end.
I let Tegan play on my phone for most of the flight while Dianne and I sat together.
We were instructed to get back in our seats for the landing and we did as we were told. I looked over to Dianne who was shaking all over. This was always her least favourite part of the flight. I attempted to reach over to her but it was no use. I held the twins as we descended, continuously glancing over at Dianne. We
landed with a bump and waited for everyone to get off before doing the same.

We got through the airport and got a taxi to the hotel where Dianne and I spent the rest of the day watching our children play. I looked over at Di who had a tear in her eye, presumably because she was so happy. I walked over to her and gave her a cuddle. I can't wait for our holiday together.

life after strictly 🌟Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang