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Tegan came running in to us at 6. She was so excited.
"Dada!" She shouted.
"Shh baby," I said looking over at the twins. "Merry Christmas princess." I continued, hugging her.
"Tegan, do you wanna go and see if Santa's been?" Dianne asked.
"Santa! Santa!" Tegan smiled quietly.
We followed her downstairs, Di and I both vlogging.
She opened the door. "Presents." She squealed.
"Merry Christmas baby girl." Dianne said.

She sat and opened her presents while we watched.
"It's time for mummy's presents now." I said once she'd finished.
"Oh Joe, you didn't have to." She replied.
"Yes I did." I smiled.
She opened the first bag; a bath bomb collection from Zoe and Alfie. They smell so nice. She exclaimed whilst sniffing one.
"I can smell it from here." I laughed.
She opened a few more before reaching out for her final one. 

My mouth dropped as I saw what was inside: five tickets to Australia
"Are you insane?" I asked in shock.
"Maybe a little." He joked. "Nah, you deserve it baby."
I didn't know what to say. He seems to book us a holiday every year, but I never expect anything. "Thank you!" I repeated. I kissed him on the lips.
"What happened?" Tegan asked, oblivious to the situation.
"Tegan, how about we go and see your nana and grandad for mummy's birthday?" Joe asked.
"Yeahhh!" She squealed, she was just as excited as me.
I hugged her as she snuggled into my chest. Wuv you Mummy." She said.
"I love you too baby girl." I responded, kissing the top of her head.

We got ourselves changed into some smart clothes  ready for Christmas dinner.
"Zoe and Alfie are here." I hear Joe shout. I let them in and sat on the settee. We started to talk before our attention turned to the kids.
"Have the twins started crawling yet? Hazel has but I think she prefers being carried around. Zoe asked.
"No not yet. Tegan was around their age when she did so I'm sure they will soon." I replied.

After dinner, Zoe, Alfie, Joe and I sat and watched the kids play. It was so cute watching them almost talk to each other. Hazel started to crawl and wriggle around the room. James obviously liked to imitate her and pushed himself onto his knees. "Oh my God Joe!" I screamed as  I saw my baby boy crawl around in front of me for the first time. Joe and Zoe started clapping happily. Olivia presumably didn't like not having the attention and pushed herself up and copied her brother. I couldn't stop smiling. "I can't believe it Dianne!" Joe exclaimed as he watched his children move about the room. I pulled him into a hug and smiled broadly. I was so proud. "You know what this means don't you Di?" He continued. I shook my head.
"It means all of our children have started either walking or talking on an important day." I wasn't really following but I knew what he meant.

We said goodbye to Zoe and Alfie before getting settled for bed. I love my perfect family.
"Thank you for today." I said to Joe before shutting my eyes and falling to sleep.

A\N ~
I am currently writing a new fic, "the nanny." There should be a new part out soon if you want to check it out.

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