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Stacey and Kevin arrived just after Tegan started to cry.
"I'll go feed her, you get the door." I say
"Okay gorgeous." she replies as she kisses my forehead.
15 minutes later we were all sat together, Stacey cradling Tegan and Dianne curled up on my lap.
"How's your year been Kev?" Dianne asks.
"Good, how're you feeling Dianne?"
"A little bit tired but I can't complain." She replies, gazing over at Tegan.
"Strictly 2018 was the best year for celebs, this year wasn't very good honestly. I don't know whether I want to go back." Kevin says
"I've been feeling the same, I know I've only been on it for 2 years but I've just had a kid and I would really like to spend as much as time with my family as possible."
We talked about it some more and I think Dianne's a little more certain about her decision.
3 hours later Stacey and Kevin had left and Dianne was feeding Tegan. When she had finished, we went up to bed.

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