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Yesterday was amazing. I still can't believe I'm married! I don't really remember much else other than I drank a bit too much. I woke Joe up with a kiss.
"Morning Suggy." I said. He said the same back to me.
"Oh my god yeah I totally forgot." I replied.
We got ready and left to go to Zoe's.
When we arrived, Tegan ran into my arms. It was more like a stumble as she's not yet very confident.
I picked her up and left her downstairs to play with Nala before I ran up to Zoe.
"Congratulations !" She said sitting down on her bed. "How's life as Mrs Sugg? She asked.
"Amazing, I'm so lucky."
"Thanks Zo," I replied, using her nickname for once, "thanks for everything."
"Not at all, how was your night alone?" She winked.
"From what I can remember, it was great!" I responded, laughing.
"And Tegan as well," Zoe gushed, "she's growing up too quick. I can't wait to have kids of my own."
An hour later, we decided to head downstairs.
"Won't be a minute Di." She said before going into the bathroom.

10 minutes later, Joe and I were sat hand in hand, talking to Alfie about life as a married couple.

"Zoe still hasn't come down. I'm going to check on her." I say before walking out of the room.

Thud !

I ran into the bathroom, to see Zoe lying there, unresponsive. I pick something up off the floor, Zoe must've dropped it before she fainted. A positive pregnancy test. I slip the test into my pocket before calling for help.
"Guys it's Zoe, she's unconscious." I shout.
"Zoe!" Said Alfie, running up the stairs to his girlfriend.
I stayed with them until the ambulance arrived, at which point we were all rushed out of the house. We pulled Tegan from Nala. She thoroughly enjoyed playing with her. It made me want to give her a little brother or sister, although I'm not sure how to tell Joe.

2 hours later

Dianne and I are going to see how Zoe is doing.
When we arrived, we found Alfie, hunched over her lifeless body crying.
"She'll be ok Alf," Dianne reassured him, "she'll have to be, for your baby." She slips him a pregnancy test, Alfie looking confused.
"Congratulations." She said.
Alfie then kissed Zoe repeatedly before she started to stir.
"Alf, she's waking up." I smiled.
"Zoe, we're having a baby." Alfie chuckled excitedly.
"WHAT!" She screamed as she sat up.
"Congrats Zo." I smiled. It's always been a dream of hers, having kids.

We left Zoe and Alfie and went back home.

"What an eventful first day as Mr and Mrs." Dianne sighed.

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