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I got up and made Dianne a coffee after feeding the twins. This past year has flown by. I got into bed and cuddled back up to Dianne. Tegan came through to us at 8, a huge smile on her face.
"Good morning princess!" Dianne squealed excitedly.
"Tegan, d'you know what today is?" I asked.
"Burpday." She laughed.
I chuckled at her mistake.
"Happy birthday beautiful." I smiled.
I picked her up and lifted her above my head before putting her down on the bed beside Dianne and tickling her.
"Daddy stop." She squealed.
she's getting so big it's crazy. I stopped and picked her up to place her back by Dianne.
"What do you want to do today birthday girl?" Dianne asked her.
"Slides." She exclaimed.
"Slides? Oh the wacky." I smiled. She always likes to go there.
"Auntie Zoe's bringing baby Hazel Tegan. Dianne said.
"Yay." She replied with a smile.
"Better get you ready then little one." I said.
Dianne got her dressed whilst I fed the twins.
We went downstairs and watched Tegan open her presents. "Dianne, can you believe she's two?" I whispered as she smiled broadly at her little girl.
"No I can't. She's growing up too fast." She replied. Once she'd finished, I posted a picture on my Instagram.

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liked by @diannesugg @zoesugg @alfiedeyes and 126,894 others.

We got ourselves ready and left for the wacky. "I can't wait to see Zoe, it's been ages." I said. We haven't seen each other as much since we had kids. We try our best but we're so busy. "I know what you mean. It's a shame Alfie's got a meeting today, it would've been nice to see him." Dianne replied.
"Think about it Dianne, two years ago, you got in this car without a kid and now you have three." I smiled.
"Times have definitely changed." She chuckled."

We arrived at the wacky and Tegan ran in with Joe. It gave me some time to catch up with Zoe.
"I can't believe she's two!" I said after ordering a coffee.
"I know, l told you, didn't I? I said all that pain would be worth it and here we are." She replied.
"Don't even remind me of the pain! I wouldn't change it for the world though, look at her." I smiled.
"That's what I mean Dianne. She's perfect." She replied.
We watched them play some more before Joe came down with her in his arms.
"I still can't believe you're a dad Joe." Zoë said.
"Neither can l! He replied
with a smile. Tegan played some more before the twins began to get agitated so we said goodbye to Zoe and headed for home.
"What do you want to do now baby?" I asked.
"Umm..........films." She replied with a smile.
We got in and Tegan sat on the sofa whilst I fed the twins and Joe went to see what food we had in the freezer.
"What film d'you wanna watch princess?" I asked.
"Poppins!" She replied, smiling. I haven't seen that film in a year. She loves it as much as I do. "Not this again!" Joe chucked.
"Joseph!" I joked. "It's our daughter's birthday and she can choose whatever film she wants." I continued.
"I don't think I'll ever get used to that, daughter." He responded. We laughed as the film's music began to play. Joe held Olivia while I lay down on the sofa, James in my arms and Tegan by my side. As the film finished, Tegan was getting sleepy so Joe carried her up to her bed.

I came down to hear Dianne sobbing into her lap. "Hey, hey, hey princess what's wrong?" I asked, concerned.
"Nothing Joe, don't you worry about me." She replied.
"Dianne, I'm your husband, I know when things are bothering you. Even if I wasn't, it's a little bit obvious that your not okay." I said, letting her cuddle into my chest.
"Okay. Days like these remind me of how much I miss her, Scarlett, I always think about her obviously, but nothing compares to the pain I feel waking up to celebrate something knowing that there's something not right. It's like a piece of me went with her Joe. I feel lost." She mumbled. My heart snapped.
"Dianne, you're allowed to be upset. She's your daughter. Don't try and hide it." I replied, kissing her head. "You're bound to get sad but don't let that ruin your day." She lay on my chest crying. "Do you wanna watch a film?" I asked after a while. She nodded.
"How about a quiet place?" She suggested.
"Dianne are you sure that's suitable considering how upset you are about everything?" I asked.
"Yes Joe, I'm sure. Besides, it's a great movie and I think it's what I need. I love horrors. Plus, it's got Emily in it." She replied laughing.
"Well, if you're sure."I said.
I set up the film and ordered some pizza.
We ate the pizza whilst the film played. I let her cuddle into me as the bridge scene played. "Joe turn it down." I heard her say.
"Why?" I asked. I looked at the screen. She was getting in the bath. "Shit!" I said.
"Shhh." Dianne replied. "The kids will hear you."
I almost forget that I'm a dad sometimes. "I love this scene." She said.
"I know you do Dianne! You say it every time. Only you could enjoy this scene." I chuckled. That scene is bloody disgusting.
The film finished and we went up to bed. "Thanks joe, for everything." She said. She snuggled into my chest and we both fell straight to sleep.

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