Eric froze, callused fingers moving a strand of his hair behind his ear. Tears rolled down Eric's cheeks who remained unmoving.

"Eric," Mark whispered brokenly, sitting on the bed so he was half off and still facing the dark haired man.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant? Why did you keep it a secret? How long have you known you've been pregnant for? How are you really feeling? I don't want a rift to get between us and I know I didn't let you talk, but I was so surprised you knew. What was I supposed to think when you looked shocked that I had found out? Let's talk, please," Mark folding his hands in his lap.

Eric sniffled, rubbing the tears that had rolled down his cheeks away.

"I-I w-w-was sc-scared," Eric whispered, Mark feeling his heart lurch in his chest.

"Of what?" Mark asked, so so very gently, something getting stuck in his throat. Mark knew the problem couldn't be financial or space or lack of love for either Eric or the baby.

"Y-You h-have th-three chi-children al-already. W-Would you w-want m-m-more? Wh-What about J-James, Vl-Vlad, Antone? Are-Are th-they okay w-with an-another half sib-sibling? I-I w-w-was sus-suspic-cious f-for a f-few d-days b-before-" Eric waving his had out, talking about before the kidnapping.

"I-I w-would ha-have tol-told you!" Eric nearly sobbed, arms wrapping around him.

"Moya svezda (my star)," Mark whispered, holding Eric against him tightly. He was so stupid for getting so upset. Mark gently kissed Eric's temple, forehead and cheeks. Eric buried his head against Mark's neck, missing the love of his life so much.

Eric tried to calm his breathing, his throat stinging and his breath sounding like crackles. Eric coughed hard, Mark gripping his shoulders.

"Eric! Where's your inhaler?" Mark asked frantically, Eric giving a half wave to the bedside table, trying to breathe. It was in his hand the next second, the bedside table drawer half open. Eric popped off the cap, quickly using the inhaler, feeling his lungs open again. Mark was right there, half a second away from pushing the call button for Victor.

"I'm o-okay," Eric rasped out, clearing his throat. Mark very much doubted it. Eric was very thin, looked exhausted, and could hardly breathe. Mark cupped Eric's cheek gently, Eric looking into deep black eyes.

"I'm sorry," Mark began, Eric shaking his head, Mark gently kissing him.

"I am. I assumed things and I shouldn't have. And now you're in here and-" Mark's breath hitching, Eric pressing his fingers gently against Mark's lips.

"N-Not y-your f-fault," Eric said with furrowed brows, shaking his head. Eric pressing himself against Mark who automatically held his mate against him. Eric snuggling further into his warmth, the chill in his fingers disappearing.

"Are we okay?" Mark asked, his voice slightly muffled since his face was pressed against Eric's shoulder. Eric nodded, Mark moving back so he could kiss Eric softly. Loving little presses. Eric melting against him.

"Y-You're r-really okay w-with..." Eric asking softly, fluttering his doe eyes open.

"More than anything," Mark said, pressing his palm gently against Eric's belly. Eric flushed, gingerly placing his own hand over Mark's. Mark leaned in, kissing Eric hotly, Eric shuttering. The kisses were slow but hard, Mark claiming Eric's lips.

Both stayed in the comfortable arms of their mate, finally able to relax.

"H-How are th-the others?" Eric asked quietly, resting his head against Mark's chest. Mark had moved so he was sitting next to Eric on the bed. Mark had been resting his tired eyes, lazily rubbing Eric's belly.

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