6. Daisy

167 9 16

Song: One Million Bullets by Sia

The week had begun and neared its end as Friday wheeled around. The bell rang and the school emptied out within minutes, the half-day making everyone run away from the educational institution with a pep in their step and speed at their feet. August sat before her locker playing a game called 'fluffy fall', she was almost at 70 points when someone sat beside her. Her head snapped to her left and her fluffy died. "Hello, beautiful."

"Beauty is a social construct, an idea made to make certain persons feel superior to those who aren't classified as such; and in turn, the cosmetic industry makes money off of our insecurities because of the false perception of what beauty showed to us in the media and all around us. Thanks, but no thanks, beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, but within the mind of a human and we are what we think we are, such as beautiful, ugly... or otherwise."

"Have I ever told you that I love your mind?"

"No, and thank you. That's a proper compliment." She leaned over and kissed him, granting him a smile.

"So, how was your class?"

"Educational to a fault, chemistry is only useful when it pertains to certain professions and not to people who have no reason to be involved with it... but it shall prove a little useful to me in my future career."

"Well, I hope it does. My last class was spent watching TV shows until the bell rang." His eyes met hers to see her reaction and from a serious portrait her expression changed and she laughed, the vacant hallways echoing the humor she found within his response. He joined her, with a few chuckles before she stopped, her head falling to his shoulder and her hand falling onto his own. She sighed in bliss then twined her fingers with his. "Please, never stop being incredible." She whispered against his neck, a shiver shook him and he gasped and held her hand tighter. "I promise to stay the same... and only grow better." He moved away his hand then lifted hers to wrap his pinky around her pinky, "Now kiss it to seal the deal." He smiled and did as she told him. She chuckled and he winked as he joined their hand together once more.

"Have you been to the beach before? I mean, would you like to go to the beach with me?" He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. "There's a place that's private. I think you'd like it"

She thought about it then nodded against his shoulder. "That sounds nice. Tomorrow has no school."

"It's a date then." He stated.

"Hmm, date number two, seems far away from date number one."

"Hey, are you busy today?" she asked.

"No, I'm free."

"Great, then you can come over today."

His eyes widened. "W-wait, to your house?"

"Yeah, what? You scared?" She smirked and couldn't help the grin that grew on her face. "I never took you for the scared type, especially when it's a simple invitation to come over to my place." Claude sucks his teeth and rolls his eyes at her accusation of him being scared.

"Oh whatever, I'm not scared. I just... I just don't want you to get in trouble for having a boy over." She tsked and then it was her turn to roll her eyes. "Oh, shut up scaredy-cat. My mom doesn't mind me having people over, no matter the gender. She trusts me to make good decisions and good judgments of people-what did you think we were going to do anyway?" She shoved him gently, a smile reading her lips. "Claude, what were you thinking of?"

He pulled at his collar as if his shirt had gotten too tight suddenly and chuckled nervously as he fought for the right words. "Umm, nothing. I just didn't-I just thought without thinking." She nodded once but didn't speak again. "August...?"

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