30. Corianders

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A/N: So... I got a nice and intense filler chapter for you all... read at your own risk, it's a little rated R.
Corianders can express your guilty pleasure for feelings of lust. Coral or orange roses also represent passion and desire. [fully edited]

Bucky parked infront of the house and jogged up the stairs, pausing to check his phone as a text came through. He rolled his eyes, then put it away with replying. He knocked the door and waited with his hands in his front pockets. He wondered what they were going to speak about. And if he were in trouble for something or... or if this wasn't working out, he shook away the negative thoughts and just focused on the now.

No need to fill his head with any ill thoughts of things that might not even be an issue, but still... this was sort of sudden. He exhaled. It was kinda early in the day too... especially for a Sunday. He checked his watch, 11:22am blinked back at him as he nibbled on his bottom lip.

He was in trouble. That was the only thing he could think about, urgh! He hated feeling this sort of pressure for nothing—oh God where are they? He thought, watching the door with nerves jittering and his foot tapping as if he were listening to a catchy beat that was enough to make his foot dance but not enough to make his head follow.

The door locks clicked, and his eyes widened before he realized that he had to play it cool and not freak out over anything, since he didn't know what was so cryptic about this innocent meeting... in the morning, on a Sunday.

Yeah... it was nothing, right?

The door opened and August appeared in a loose brown dress, that reached mid-thigh with thin straps. She smiled up at Bucky who was sweating bullets. She chuckled and he gulped. "Breathe Theodore, you're not in trouble."

He exhaled so loud that she jolted in shock then laughed out, covering her mouth at her outburst.

"Oh no, babe. You thought that you were in trouble? Haha, oh no, come on. Why would you think that? You're sweating your skin off. Come on inside." She stepped back and he—now relaxed a tad, walking inside. "Breathe, Theo. No one's in trouble. I just wanted to talk with you."

"Yeah, alone. That's never a good sign."

She arched a brow at that. "To whom? You? Are you in trouble? The last I checked, you guys did nothing wrong... unless you're guilty of something. Are you?" She asked, folding her arms. He clicked his tongue in response as he approached her, cornering her by the small side table.

"Not at all. But then, women always know whenever we mess up, even though we don't know we did."

"Oh, did you mess something up?" She asked.

Those piercing hazel-green eyes stared back it his and he couldn't help reaching out to grasp her slim waist as he pulled her closer slightly, stepping forward, making her take one back. Her butt meeting the end of the table. "Why don't you tell me if I did?" He muttered.

His voice had dropped, thicker as their bodies got closer and her hand held onto his muscular forearm. "Bucky..." she breathed out.

"Is anyone home?"

She shook her head. "Just me. Brother went out, mom went in for inventory."

He hummed near her ear and her body shivered hard, a gasp leaving her mouth as she turned her head towards the door. "So, why did you call me over again?"

She caught her breath, swearing in her head at how he got her heart racing. "Uh, I wanted to talk about us... we—Claude and you are already so close and well..."

"But we're close? Aren't we?" He asked, pressing a faint kiss to her bare throat. She gasped, gripping tighter at his forearm.

"Y—yes... Bucky... I can't focus."

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