44. Goldenrod

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Goldenrod This bright and cheery bloom represents encouragement

Historically, solidago has been a symbol of good fortune, growth, and encouragement. Because of its ability to survive in diverse, harsh environments, goldenrod represents good luck and a pioneering spirit (pretty fitting given its origins in the meadows and pastures of North America).

Bucky pulled up at the Chandler residence, glancing at the backseat to find August sleeping, her head propped against the left car door with her mouth slightly agape. "Bae, Wake Aug—" he chuckled when he found Claude nodding off next to him. "I guess we're stopping here." He parked the jeep at the curb infront of the house and got out to open the backdoor, rousing Auggie as he unbuckled her from the seat.

"H—huh, what's going on?"

"Shh, you fell asleep. Where are the keys?" Bucky asked, helping her out of the backseat and grabbing her bag. "Baby keys, I need them to open the door."

"Urgh! Stop yelling." August complained, pushing at Theo's chest, which was like a brick wall at her palms.

"Yell—I'm not even..." He shook his head, refusing to argue with his tired girlfriend. Auggie then slapped the keys to his forearm, haphazardly trying to get out of the vehicle. Bucky clicked his tongue and took it from her hand. He shut back the door and hoisted her up over his shoulder with little protest as she was still sleepy. He made his way towards the front door, "look, we're going to camp out for a few, I know you may be asleep, but Claude is also tired." He explained, getting the door unlocked as he walked towards her room and set her on the bed. He removed her shoes and hoodie from her shoulders. Auggie hissed at him and sucked her teeth. "Don't you dare hiss at me, young lady." Bucky turned back and went to get Claude, who he threw over his shoulder in the same fashion. He locked his car and brought his boyfriend into the house, securing the front door.

When he got back to the room, he sat Claude on the bed, where he flopped over and also removed his shoes. Bucky shrugged off his jacket and kicked off his sneakers, exhaling tiredly. "That was a lot." Bucky flopped onto the edge of the bed, looking back at his partners to see them sleeping peacefully. Urgh, he was drained. His dad had opted for a video call which he took in his car while August and Claude chatted with Sara before they headed home. There was a pressing health matter with his grandmother, and his dad may be unable to get back in time for the first game of the new season. His father always made sure to attend the first one, at least, since his schedule was always so tight. Bucky understood the reason and left it at that after he wished him good luck and said a prayer for his grandma. Bucky let his eyes slip close as fond memories of her and his grandpa, who always came by as often as they could, resurfaced. Lucy had loved their visits. His grandparents would always take them out on fun trips and outings... That had become less once Lucy passed. He sighed, hoping she was okay.

"Hey, what's up with the sighing?"

Bucky opened his eyes, glancing to his right to find Claude kneeling on the bed. Huh, he hadn't heard him move. "It's nothing."

"Liar. You've been in a damp mood since we left school." Claude rubbed his eye, moving over to clamber into Bucky's lap. He stared into his eyes which appeared dull and sad. "Talk to me." Claude ran his hands into the dark hair of his boyfriend, "I wanna help too," he muttered, cupping his cheeks.

Bucky opened his eyes, not noticing that he had closed them again. His lover looked so adorable, even in the dim room. His tiredness showed, but he was up and worried over him. Bucky rubbed his face against Claude's big hands as his thumbs rubbed circles on his cheeks. "Hm, family issues. My grandma's sick. Dad won't be able to come back so soon, so he wanted me to know." Claude frowned his brows, making Bucky unsettled. He didn't like seeing his boyfriend upset.

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